Does anybody know if Hype 4 will include XD file importing?

Being able to import XD layered files into Hype would allow me to stay with Hype as my main interaction/animation tool. If Hype doesn’t start to support this, I’ll probably have to go with something else, like Kite. I signed up for the Hype 4 beta program but have not heard anything back.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Can you tell me about your workflow in XD and what you’d like to do in XD vs what you’d like to bring over into Hype?

Thanks for the quick reply, Daniel. Well, first let me explain my current work flow. I have being using hype in conjunction with Adobe Fireworks since I started using Hype. I think it was version 1. I’ve loved it because Fireworks saves out layered PNG files (i think that is an Adobe proprietary format). Not ideal but worked pretty good.

Well, now my team has been using XD and looks like we’re going to standardize on it. So, my team gives me layered XD files which I have to cut and paste each element that I want to animate individually. It’s a clunky workflow.

Using Kite I import a layered XD file and every element is separated into the same layer structure that is in XD and animatable. Now it’s not ideal, because if I make changes to the XD file, it doesn’t automatically update the file I originally imported, it imports a whole new file. Whereas with Hype and the Fireworks PNGs, I could make changes in Fireworks and it would update in Hype.

What I would love to be able to do with Hype is import a layered XD file, everything is separated in layers (preserving the folder structure) and I can animate each element. Then if I make changes to the file in XD and it would update in Hype.

I’m really hoping this is a function that might be in Hype 4 because I love Hype. i’ve been using it lately to design infotainment systems for the automotive industry. Primarily i create robust prototypes for testing and specification documents for developers. I work at a design research firm.

Anyway, I hope my explanation helps. Let me know what you think.

As I understand it every app that exports based on the same naming scheme and is exported to the same folder that you import the files from would be updated each time you overwrite them on an updated export. Hype will detect the change and ask to reimport. Basically this boils down to a decent exporter for the software your using (consistent names and layer to single files). That said I really miss a feature/workflow that allows to import positional data of layers (at least on first import). As of now one has to „rebuild“ a layout from all the exported parts.

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Thanks, MaxZieb, Yes, that’s my workflow currently. The last thing you mentioned is exactly what I am looking for, keeping the positions of each element.

Thanks for the request. Having layered import (especially from other programs) is something we’ve wanted to do for a while. This won’t be for v4.0.0 though, as we are trying to get that out the door and this is no small task!