Custom Name User

How to make custom name and qr code base on link name like this image.
Screen Shot 2021-06-07 at 7.31.57 PM

I mean, I want to send a wedding invitation which say welcome to specific guess name and can generate qr code based on url.
the website will show: Hello Aris Pujud Kurniawan + Qr code bottom name (like image below)

Can I do that? Any developer can do that? I will pay it.

Slightly biased to solutions I wrote or made an example with :wink:

Dynamic data could be done with:


1 Like

I mean the name and qr code is generated automatically based on url.

like this:
Guest name on the invitation is John Travolta
Guest name on the invitation is Steve Jobs.

That change automatically based on url. And I need QR code generated automatically based on guest name.

Your hype example is just grey square when i preview it on browser.

Using the qr generator above.

This is a simple example.

We add the qrcode.js to the project

On scene load we run the code.

	//-- get the serach param
	  var paramsString =
//--  get the  qr element
 var qrel = hypeDocument.getElementById('qrcode')

//-- generate new qr code using madaffandi url + querystring
	var qrcode = new QRCode(qrel, {
		text: '' + paramsString,
 		width: hypeDocument.getElementProperty(qrel, 'width'),
		height: hypeDocument.getElementProperty(qrel, 'height'),
		colorDark : "#000000",
		colorLight : "#ffffff",
		correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.H
	 //-- make params in to object
	let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(paramsString);

//--look for param
	var theOf_ = searchParams.get("of") 
	var theDate_ = searchParams.get("date") 
	var theTo_ = searchParams.get("to") 
//-- set element text based on param
	 hypeDocument.getElementById('theof').innerHTML = theOf_
	 hypeDocument.getElementById('thedate').innerHTML = theDate_
	  hypeDocument.getElementById('theto').innerHTML = theTo_ (36.7 KB)

You will have problems testing this from hype preview. It is best tested when loaded from a server/website.

This url willl show

the qr code will go to

mrmrs - 1

Obviously you will need to use the real params.

Oh god very2 thank you so much...

But I mean is

And Qr code just a name when scanned: John Travolta

Just like that. So a guest invitation can enter the wedding room without writing in guest book. Just scanned by security using qr attendance app

Sorry for my english

sorry I do not understand your question.?

The link param is only to change guest name in this case "john travolta".

Above john travolta I will custom it manually without coding.

And the qr code when scanned just showing text "John Travolta" , not go to
mrmrs - 1

The link params can be whatever you make them.
You do not have to use the exact ones in my code.

It is just showing you how to get the params and use them.

The qr code generation is the same. Just use the url and param that you need.

QR readers from a phone will normally offer to go to the url.

Ah ok i will try to edit your code.

And about qr I use "QR Attendance Control" from playstore

That is why i need a qr code which just auto generated by params. Just show "john travolta" in this case, not go to the link.

If you are scanning with "QR Attendance Control" then I assume it will work as you expect.
QR codes are pretty much the same afaik, the scanning app controls what happens when scanned.

You can probably just use the param as the set url since it is not going to be used

	//-- get the serach param
	  var paramsString =
//--  get the  qr element
	 //-- make params in to object
	let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(paramsString);

//--look for param
	var theTo_ = searchParams.get("to") 
//-- set element text based on param
	  hypeDocument.getElementById('theto').innerHTML = theTo_
	  var qrel = hypeDocument.getElementById('qrcode')

//-- generate new qr code using madaffandi url + querystring
	var qrcode = new QRCode(qrel, {
		text: theTo_,
 		width: hypeDocument.getElementProperty(qrel, 'width'),
		height: hypeDocument.getElementProperty(qrel, 'height'),
		colorDark : "#000000",
		colorLight : "#ffffff",
		correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.H
1 Like

Still show the link not name.

See above

When I use qr code generator on the web it's work

I enter John Travolta on the field an when I scan with qr code attendance it show name only like I mean

I do not have an android or the app s cannot test it.
See my edit above

Pretty sure my edit above should work.
But if not then try this one using the google qrcode generator direct url to get the qr code. (19.8 KB)

But as I say there is no real difference in how they work if you use the edit I did above.

One thing to remember with this is that requesting the qr code needs internet connection.


it is work like what I want when I upload your hype file. This is the result:

But when I make it in my file It's not working.
How to input qrcode.min.js to hype app?

Screen Shot 2021-06-08 at 9.41.18 PM
below is my file.

Screen Shot 2021-06-08 at 9.41.32 PM
below is your file.

You can always just right-click on a Hype file and inspect package contents. The JS file is in the resources' folder. Another option is to export the file and the just snap the desired JS file from the exported resource folder. There is also a trick to use and preview and the right click on the filename on top, but certainly Hype could add a reveal in finder option.


Big thanks for You all....
Hype team is very exelent. Good App, good forum, good team. :wink:


How if I want to place two qr code and two name which the same in one file?

I try to copy "theto" and "qrcode" object it's not working.

Then I copy
"theto" and rename to "thetoopen"
and "qrcode" rename to "qrcodeopen"
and change the html code to this:

	//-- get the serach param
	  var paramsString =
//--  get the  qr element
	 //-- make params in to object
	let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(paramsString);

//--look for param
	var theTo_ = searchParams.get("to")
//-- set element text based on param
	  hypeDocument.getElementById('theto').innerHTML = theTo_
	  hypeDocument.getElementById('thetoopen').innerHTML = theTo_

//--  get the  qr element
	  var qrel = hypeDocument.getElementById('qrcode')
	  var qrelopen = hypeDocument.getElementById('qrcodeopen')

//-- generate new qr code using madaffandi url + querystring
	var qrcode = new QRCode(qrel, {
		text: theTo_,
 		width: hypeDocument.getElementProperty(qrel, 'width'),
		height: hypeDocument.getElementProperty(qrel, 'height'),
		colorDark : "#738766",
		colorLight : "#f0f0f0",
		correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.H
		var qrcode = new QRCode(qrelopen, {
		text: theTo_,
 		width: hypeDocument.getElementProperty(qrel, 'width'),
		height: hypeDocument.getElementProperty(qrel, 'height'),
		colorDark : "#738766",
		colorLight : "#f0f0f0",
		correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.H

Which wrong? sorry I am not a developer. :slight_smile: