Hello guys,
[ please scroll down to my last answer. In the meantime I figured out the main problem. ]
problem-with-inner-html-update.zip (28.3 KB)
Hello guys,
[ please scroll down to my last answer. In the meantime I figured out the main problem. ]
problem-with-inner-html-update.zip (28.3 KB)
The file link is broken
problem-with-inner-html-update.zip (28.3 KB)
<div style="width:190px; height:190px; -webkit-background-size: 100%; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(0px) scaleX(1) scaleY(1); background-image: url(http://lorempixel.com/190/190/)!important;"></div>
I found something out in the meantime, that makes my problem clear. My animation works with external files, but it doesn’t work with my files from the resource folder. How do I refer them correctly? I only found javascript-referings on this forum.
What’s the right expression for background-image for resource files?
If this isn’t possible, please let me know. So I can go on with another solution.
You can refer to them via the ${resourcesFolderName} variable in most typical situations.
background-image: url(${resourcesFolderName}/image.png);
At the time of export this will be converted to something like:
background-image: url(DocumentName.hyperesources/image.png);
Like this?
#dial_knob {
background-image: url("https://d1ih3jzbl9wgdj.cloudfront.net/hosted/314/public_uploads/265cd6fd-28ad-4496-9e2c-21d78890bc63.png");
background-color: black !important; /* the jogdail.js is set in debug mode which makes the wheel have a green overlay
You should be able to turn the debug off but in hype this breaks the JS. so we simply change it here*/
not working maybe tried quotes already
Hi Blake!
I’ve replied to your post here.