Crossword puzzle

Hi everyone!

There`s a way to do something like this in Hype?

With behaviors of right or wrong answers.

You can do a visual setup and the rollovers to show the question pretty easily, but you will need javascript code to verify the answer and restrict input to a single character.

  • The visual setup would be easy to do in Hype, assuming a non-changing puzzle.
  • You will need JavaScript to verify the answers.
  • You will need a little bit of custom HTML for the text fields (I believe you can set a limit to one character with something like <input id = "field_0_1" maxlength = "1">)
  • For the question rollovers, you can have actions in Hype triggered on Mouse Over and Mouse Out (but please consider what to do for mobile). You could either run alternate timelines that animate the background image to change, or maybe more easily just use the Hype API setElementProperty to change the image.

I’d also guess there are crossword puzzle generators out there that can make the entire widget for you.

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Thank you Jonathan. I will try your tips!

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