Creating an Animated Logo in Tumult Hype: Comparing the After Effects + Bodymovin’ Lottie Workflow

What a great tutorial by @Daniel, thanks for putting it together. You've uncovered many hidden gems of hype.

It was posted in June and I just saw it now and decided to add it to the Tips & Tricks section of the forum, I hope that's ok.

We need more tutorials likes this and possibly maybe videos.


Glad you enjoyed, Pete!

Just like the Flash transition guide I put together with the help of @Luckyde and @nick I think it's super useful to learn Hype in relation to workflows in other apps.


Thank you very much @Daniel or bringing this here. I had not seen it and I think it will help me to better understand and work with Hype.

The example given by @petester I did know and is also a very good guide. Thanks for putting it all together in this post.