Hello I am trying to create a running man, running from right to left across a scene. I’m quite new to animation. I have tried using opacity and key frames but this makes my man flash on and off. I have also tried using timelines but all the different drawings for the animation stay visible when played. Do I have to use code for this to work? Am I missing some feature with hype. I am using hype pro.
There is a discussion about this here...
If you're seeing flashing, you might want to ensure that elements become opaque and that they are on top of (in the layer order) elements that are completely visible. This will ensure that there are no moments when nothing is visible which might create a white flash.
Thanks for the tip, i’ll give it a go.
also as an old style animator I would be remiss if I did not recommend that you also add more keyframes in your breakdown between the start of the run and the end of the run.
No matter what your tool, cels or Hype the best guidebook on how to animate a character is the classic by Preston Blair.
And Richard Williams Book "The Animators Survival kit"
This is one of the best books for teaching style and technique that I have seen.
That is such a great recommendation! Richard williams also did a video series to go along with the book that I highly recommend.
Have ordered this book on your recommendation, just waiting for it to come in the post.
I hope you enjoy it. Mine is still a great studio resource
I still get the flash in frame to frame animations. I can’t really put something behind it, there will still be a flash, just of something wrong. I don’t understand why it’s doing this.
I would recommend trying Hype v4’s new Sprite Sheet/Image Sequence import feature.
Actually I got it to work without the sprite sheet. But I might give that a try just to see how it works. I’m so glad I did get it to work because I’ve been looking for a way to replace the flash animations I used to do, but could only do frame by frame. Now, Hype is THE APP!
I just tried the sprite sheet…WOW! That took about 1 day less work to do the same thing frame by frame! I might have a beer for lunch! lol Thanks!
Glad to see the new feature working out - cheers!
here’s the sample so far…
does nothing here, just a stillimage …?
the button doesn’t help too
That’s odd… works on my iPad, android phone, mac, pc…
ah! <- enlightening moment
i’ll have to drag the button
this works!
just the loading time is quite long …