Converting & Posting a PHP Form

I am trying to convert a form entry on a PHP / MySQL website. I wanted better UX for the data input/entry, so using HTML5 through Hype.

I have attached my simple form, for reference.

Having saved / exported it to a folder, I have copied the 3 "div" lines to embed in on a page and uploaded the Hype resources subfolder.

How do I incorporate this into a typical PHP for POST?

The tables I am writing 2 are linked with a foreign key, so I write 1, obtain the unique ID which is used for the 2nd write. In PHP, the final commit lines are:

$rid = insert_new_round($insertday, $hcap, $playerid, $nine, $hcap34);


  • Can I do this directly in Hype? I had hoped to use the "Submit" button in the Hype UI...
  • Can I access the Hype variables from PHP? This could be useful as there are some other variables I generate in PHP currently that I could make use of. (51.1 KB)

The basic way to communicate to a server would be via an XMLHTTPRequest in JavaScript. Basically you would prepare your data and then make a request. You can look at this answer:

Notice that the params is a construction of the data that you would want to put together.

Any client-side data needs to be programmatically sent to the server process. If it is meant to be mutable data, then the server would need to put in its response values that can be parsed on the client and then funneled to change the appropriate values.