I’m looking for a good javascript framework for ebay.
Unfortunately, for security reasons, it is very difficult to find a js framework, which worked by ebay.
Normally you get an error message:
JavaScript (’’.cookie’’, ‘‘cookie(’’, ‘‘replace(’’, IFRAME, META oder includes)
I am currently using jsMorph (http://www.jsmorph.com). I’ve obfuscated it and it works very well for me.
But now I want to use as far as possible hype. Hype is beautiful and comfortable.I 've tried several
times to obfuscated and then to embed hype js-files. It didn’t work out. I always get the same error message.
Is there any possibility to embed hype code by ebay? Is there any hope?
I would use hype in my next shop.
But I have not tried this yet as a developer.
Javascript code should be embeded. I have done so in jsmorph.
Javascript from outside does not work.
Although css from outside on the other hand works fine.
I do not want to hurt ebay rights. I want to create my shop quickly and with many beautiful effects.
That’s all.
That’s why I’m looking for a solution how to work around this error message.
You can, if you sign in on ebay dev portal as developer - https://go.developer.ebay.com/. Then you’ll be able to use their API. You’ll have to create token to access ebay live site.
That will not allow you to embed an iframe on your shop or listing. The api function is there to help you take things out of the eBay site. By accessing their database.
Nothing will let you add an iframe on their site. If you think of the possible uses there are huge security risks, let alone commercial risks for eBay.
I will not embed iframe.
I only will use hype’s javascript framework.
These are only 2 files that are embedded in code.
These could be theoretically embedded either from outside or add in html code.
Can I do this as a developer on ebay?
To load Hypes frame work, you would have to upload the files to Ebay. They do not allow cross domain origins, meaning you cannot host any file from another site/domain/IP, and use it on theres, if that is loading a Div, or an iFrame.
They have a dev program that allows you to use their API framework to get information from Ebay and use on 3rd party sites. Not the other way round.