is it possible to go from one scene to another by scrolling the mouse down or up? I think I would need java script. do you have an example?
thank you
You can do this now, of a sort. But you cannot, easily, step the process.
You can bind a mouse wheel event and use pushBottomToTop scene transition.
So you would create a function on the first scene loading. I call it appLoad:
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener("mousewheel", scrollScene, false);
function scrollScene(e){
var upORdown = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail)));
if(upORdown === -1){
hypeDocument.showPreviousScene(hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushBottomToTop, 2.1)
hypeDocument.showNextScene(hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushTopToBottom, 2.1)
And bingo, here is a working example:
scrollingScenes.hype.zip (99.4 KB)
this is cool - but there´s a problem with the logically scrolling direction.
if i want to scroll to scene 2, i have to move the wheel up and the scene should load from bottom to top.
so i changed:
if(upORdown === 1){
hypeDocument.showPreviousScene(hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushTopToBottom, 2.1)
hypeDocument.showNextScene(hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushBottomToTop, 2.1)
Here’s a tutorial for controlling a timeline, which can be modified to jump to a scene: http://blog.tumult.com/2014/08/06/tutorial-easily-create-parallax-effects-and-single-page-scrollable-experiences-in-tumult-hype/
thank you andrew and strmiska,
works great. but not on firefox
I cant code. so do you have an idea.
thank you
true - doesn´t work on firefox. sorry, i don´t have a solution right now.
window.addEventListener("mousewheel", scrollScene, false);
window.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", scrollScene, false);
I haven’t tested and the values might be reversed. But the second event listener is supposed to be the Firefox equivalent.
thank you, I will try to edit it into js!
thanx - it´s working:
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener("mousewheel", scrollScene, false);
window.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", scrollScene, false);
function scrollScene(e){
var upORdown = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail)));
if(upORdown === 1){
hypeDocument.showPreviousScene(hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushTopToBottom, 2.1)
hypeDocument.showNextScene(hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushBottomToTop, 2.1)
I have a question for this code. Is it possible to “unload” the script so when I reach certain page the “jump scene” with the scroll mouse stop working?
You would need to use removeEventListener and whenever / wherever you want to remove it use:
window.removeEventListener("mousewheel", scrollScene);
window.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", scrollScene);
i have make a animation with multi scene with the function scrollScene than is launch in the load of the first scene.
but when i use exactly
window.removeEventListener(“mousewheel”, scrollScene);
window.removeEventListener(“DOMMouseScroll”, scrollScene);
it doesn’t work, the scrollScene is alway active.
have you an idea.
thank you.
The tutorial is great, I’ve been hoping for scroll wheel functionality in hype for a long time. Unfortunately it seems a bit sporadic, sometimes it scrolls in the correct direction, other times it goes the wrong way, which is a real shame. Any plans to put a more bullet proof version in the next release of Hype ?
I would like to use this solution (with the scrollScene function), but I have a question: is it possible to scroll the contents of the window- scene first (overflow: scroll), and only then activate the function to go to the next scene.
Can this function be activated only when the screen reaches a certain height (or top or bottom of the scene)?
for example, something similar to:
if (screen.height => 1000), then scrollScene will be activated
Thank you
scrollingScenes.hype.zip (86.2 KB)
Yes, this can be done. You’d modify the scrollScene()
function in appLoad()
to look something like:
function scrollScene(e) {
var upORdown = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail)));
if (upORdown === 1) {
if(window.scrollY == 0) {
hypeDocument.showPreviousScene(hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushTopToBottom, 0.50)
} else {
if(window.scrollY + document.body.clientHeight == document.body.scrollHeight) {
hypeDocument.showNextScene(hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushBottomToTop, 0.50)
This worked for basic testing for me in Safari, but I seem to recall that older browsers may have different variables for getting the proper viewport and window sizes. You might want to test and see if it works widely; if not more research may be required but fundamentally I think all browsers can get this data to add to your conditional.
Thank you,
best regars
Tomasz T.
I wonder if it is possible to modify this function in such a way that, in addition to support mouse wheel button (“wheel”) add gesture support on your iPad / iPhone - instead of the SwipeUp / SwipeDown
I tried with “touchmove” “touchend” and “touchstart”, but all I could do was scroll the scenes down, not up
I will be grateful hint
best regards
Tomasz T.
I would guess the problem is due to:
var upORdown = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail)));
Touch events don’t have a delta, so you would need to keep track of that yourself to determine the direction.
I was trying out the old code from the tutorial @Daniel mentions.
And realised that all of the browsers where in fact using the window.onmousewheel event which was supposed to be for Firefox. except Firefox,
Glad I came back and actually ready this thread.
So I assume Firefox is not ready soon enough.
Also I am not sure it has been mentioned, but the duration in the scene change is important.
Too short a time may mean you get over scroll and shoot past a scene.
Which makes sense, if we are still inside a scroll event while transitioning.
I was getting this problem
I found at least 1.5 is safe to stop this.
Again @strmiska your code snippet made me think about the timing being the issue here and changing that from the initial 1.1. When I noticed you had 2.1 which seemed a long time, got me to think why..
A little update.
You may want to still preventDefault() on the scroll. Maybe to stop a jitter in say Chrome at the beginning of scroll.
Chrome is actively ignoring preventDefault() in some cases. They introduced passive listeners .
Not got into them but you can still use
function scrollScene(e){
by adding { passive: false }
onto the Listener.
window.addEventListener("mousewheel", scrollScene, { passive: false });
window.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", scrollScene, { passive: false });
hello! that was a very long time ago. i don't even know where i was at that time
as far as i can remember, i only copied the code from mrAddy. he used the 2.1.