Change innerHTML in multiple classes at once

I tried the @MaxZieb and @MarkHunte extension "hypeDocument.setInnerHtmlByClass".
This works great but I'm looking for a way to change more classes at the same time.
What I am trying to do is the following.
I have a lot of elements with a unique class. Using a button, I can show text inside the element. Now I want to change the text. No problem. Example: text is Eb in class 'root' and Bb in class 'fifth'. Change this into resp. D# and A#. No problem. But a little later text is Eb in class 'fifth' and Bb in class 'root'.
Is there a way to collect all these classes and change and reverse the texts in one go?
I have tried a lot possibilities but my (little) knowledge of javascript doesn't help me here. (23.9 KB)

:rotating_light: Please note that we can only address JavaScript questions and issues in the context of Tumult Hype, so please attach a Hype document so others can dig into what you have so far.

Do you mean this

    var classContents = {'root':'D#','fourth': 'G#','fifth' :'A#' }
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(classContents)) {
   hypeDocument.setInnerHtmlByClass ( key , value );

changeClassTxt.hype (51.7 KB)

You could even just have each button's data attributes determine what the changes will be

Screenshot 2021-04-03 at 19.55.02

and then have the buttons linked to single function.

    var classContents = element.dataset
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(classContents)) {
   hypeDocument.setInnerHtmlByClass ( key , value );
} (51.7 KB)


This goes into head

<script src="">

Now, add data-label to a group… editing data-label will change all instances of .label below it in one go and is reactive.


Thanks both. I'll go for Mark's first solution. This will be the most easy to implement for me.