Can I learn Javascript with Whisk?

Maybe I misinterpreted the use of Whisky, but it is more likely that I did not understand how to use it.
I would like to start learning Javascript, so I would like to use Whisky as an editor to try to do things in Javascript.
Unfortunately I'm following several tutorials, but while the proposed code works in the respective online emulators (emulators like the one on W3CSchools for example), on Whisky it doesn't want to work (I write same code or I copy and paste code and don't work)
I have enabled right in the Javascript TOOLS in the drop-down list, but I can't see the code working, even if I preview only browser.
Any advice?
I hope I didn't buy Whisky without being able to use it...

What other tutorials/emulators are you using?

Whisk can be a good tool for learning JavaScript, but you should note that it shows a web page just as a browser would. I'm guessing that the online tutorials automatically capture output without needing to log? That is, if have code like 1 + 1 it would just automatically show 2 somewhere?

With Whisk, you would need to create a script tag and also specifically log the output. It would look like:

console.log(1 + 1);

And then you will need to open the Developer Tools and switch to the Console tab to see the output.

Alone I would never have been able to figure out how to get that result.
So in the meantime thank you.
Before studying Javascript I should understand how Whisk works...
So, I have to write the code as if it had to be processed by the browser. Yes, ok, I know that at the end the purpose of Javascript is this, work with browser, but from the tutorials I've seen (W3Schools, Codeaccademy, and MDN Web Docs) it seemed that I had to learn JS without linking it to a page output at the moment...
So, to summarize, I write the code in Whisk and then go inside the console to see the result? Does it always work like that? I mean any code will be realized will have to be opened in the console to see how it works?
Anyway, I'm going to read some documentation of Whisk.
Excuse me Jonathan, I am much less than a neophyte in all this...
(I've always said that I only have a designer's head :sweat_smile:...)

Correct. Whisk's preview is an HTML view, so if you want to see javascript console output the way to do it is to look in the developer tools console log.

There are probably more dedicated JavaScript tools that are better at showing the output, as JavaScript has become more of a generic programming language than just one showing up in the browser.