Can element size controlled by CSS or JS?

Hello guys, I am a newbie with Hype and codes. I created a Navigation, which is a group “element” of text. How would I control the “Height of that element” by css or javascript? I would like to interact it with scrolling, like it is disappear while start, but gradually appear from button to top triggered by the user to scroll the page. (ps: not just made by timeline, opacity change or css clip property.)

like the left bottom navigation element of (17.8 KB)

Thanks a lot!!!

Hi @motchiual,

I’m not quite following what you’re after, but I’ll throw this on the wall to see if it sticks.

Under Tab 3, you can set the Overflow to scroll:


Here’s an example file: (203.6 KB)

Hype element position/sizing can be controlled in JavaScript via the hypeDocument.setElementProperty() API. Please see this section of the documentation. There are keys for "top", "left", "width", and "height".

Example usage:

var myElement = hypeDocument.getElementById("myUniqueID");
hypeDocument.setElementProperty(myElement, "left", 100);

Hello O, thanks, it’s good for inspire… ^^

Hi Jonathan, it’s work! Thanks! However I find out it seems not the right way to make the parallax effect that I like to, haha, I am trying another method… Thanks anyway!!

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Maybe this will help:


woo, thanks Rick, such a cool kit would be useful in someday ^^

Is there a way to make this work with classes instead of IDs?

Yes. By using the “document.getElementsByClassName()” or “document.querySelectorAll()” methods. These are javascript methods to get elements by class name(s)

If you are needing to target more than one element then you could run a loop through the elements and run code on all at once.

You would then change

var myElement = hypeDocument.getElementById("myUniqueID");
hypeDocument.setElementProperty(myElement, "left", 100);

to something like

var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("myClass");
for(let i=0; i < elements.length; i++){
    hypeDocument.setElementProperty(elements[i], "left", 100);

The added bonus in hype is you can “restrict” lookups to specific elements within a scene / group by using that “element” as the root instead of “document”.

Run on scene load the element argument within the function will be the scene “element”.


This would look for elements restricted to the scene that is calling the function and ignore other scenes.