Best practice for background video

I have tried using Vimeo to Stream and I have also embedded an mp4 (without OGV or WebM) directly into hype.

I have checked autoplay, inline, muted and loop and it seems to work fine however I have the following questions:

  1. Do I need to include the other formats for modern browsers?
  2. When I embedded the video it played better than streaming as the streaming version has a white flash as it reloads to play again
  3. If video playback is unsupported, will a poster frame be displayed or a blank screen?

Im just trying to work out best practice for background videos with no sound for playback on a modern browser

To avoid the large number of compatibility warnings during export, you could change your Document Inspector to just have 'latest' selected:


For that config, you would be absolutely fine with just using a single MP4 video (encoded in h264). Here's current support for the Mp4/h264 codec: Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc (It's great!). When Hype was released, browser video had not coalesced in a single video format, so for widest possible support we provide options for additional codecs.

When looping it plays a white flash, or when reloading the page? A poster image for your video might help:

Some browsers put a X over the video element or a play button with a / through it. It depends...

Thanks Daniel, thats very helpful