Yesterday I downloaded the trial version, first time user of anything concerning motion... but within an hour I had a decent 12 second animated ad done (30 years using Illustrator and animating in photoshop though, HYPE is like photoshop with a million more options). But, before I buy, I want to verify that Hype will be do what my client(s) are requesting: small, standalone html5 web ads with light animation?
I've managed to avoid animation forever - but those days are closing. Next I have to figure out how to make these ads independent - if that makes any sense? Sorry in advance for headaches that noobish questions cause )
Whilst I cannot verify explicitly as I am not familiar with how you will be using Hype specifically for "web ads" but I can confirm that Hype has and will be used by many users to supply ads for the web. There are a many use cases here within the forum as to how Hype has been utilised to deliver animated ads using many of the common web ad platforms too and there are a whole host of users here who can point you in the right direction should you get stuck.
Standalone HTML5 animation is something Hype can definitely do and is pretty much what it is designed for. Size is definitely important when it comes to web ads and I'm pretty confident HYPE can also deliver on that front however there may be some exceptions but as I said previously, there are many ways to overcome these kinds of difficulties if needed and this forum is a great resource for that
Thank you. I've tested my quicky file and it works great dropped into a web frame work, I just can't find info on how you make them "standalone" - if that's even the right word (working without having the hyperesources folder uploaded on same site). I did buy Hype in 2015, but at that time it couldn't generate eblast files. At least I'm loyal and didn't try any other programs since then ). I'll purchase it this evening and soldier on. Thanks!
Like @DBear mentioned, one of Hype's primary use cases is in producing web ads. Hype Pro even has a plugin system to streamline a lot of the export workflows for add systems called Export Scripts.
It probably would be a better idea to get more specifics from your clients on the "standalone" aspect. If they just mean no external network requests, then this is the typical Hype output unless you've done something to add network request.
If they mean a single file, that's a different story. Web formats typically do not package things into a single file; usually there's a folder of assets with an initial index.html file. Most advertisers accept a zip file with all the assets.
That said, some do want a single .html file with all assets embedded and no external requests. This is a little bit insane for a myriad of reasons and goes against the grain of the web and advances in web server technology, but that's a rant for another day...
Hype typically does export a .html file and a folder of resources. You can learn more about the standard export on this documentation page.
So it is not typical that Hype outputs a single file. But, in a case where your ad has no bitmap images, this is not too hard to do with Hype. In the Advanced Export, there's an option to "inline data+loader" file which can put a lot of contents into the .html file. You'd also need to use the CDN option for the runtime, or paste the runtime file into a script tag after export. You can potentially use Hype's vector shape tool for simple graphics, or embed SVG content as the inner html of elements.
However if you have other image assets, those would need to be inlined via more challenging means. Typically you'd need to encode images as base64 strings. There's discussion and tips/tricks on the forums on how to do this, like this tool, but the reality is it isn't entirely streamlined and there are many caveats. Due to base64 encoding being larger than the actual files, you are also likely to blow past ad file size requirements quite quickly.
Yeah, you found the "dent" in Hype's armor - going to be file size=150kb for google ads. But I'm starting to understand how the world works - the assets are stored on the web and link to the core file. So the file size limit is not really a limit if the assets are stored elsewhere and the html file is under 150kb and the run is less than 30 seconds. I was having a real challenge with animated gifs under 150kb. Looks like I need to buy Hype and move on (late in life shift).
It depends on your ad system, but some of google's ad verifiers soft warn if you are using external resources. It is also a little against the spirit of web ads to use up customer bandwidth a lot anyhow . Do note that the 150 KB limit is usually the zipped contents, so you can typically measure from that.
I remember doing some testing about the 30 second limit, and my recollection is that it is measured on CPU time and not clock time. Basically if you have a 1 second animation that runs within every 10 seconds), then it would theoretically take 300 seconds to hit that limit. But usually not even that, as animations themselves rarely occupy the full amount of CPU time while running. Google is always subject to change their calculation algorithm though.
dang... so the 150kb is html and assets? I did a test animation, 13 seconds, 2.1mb. But if I had sized all my images to the actual sized used I probably would have still been around 700kb compressed. Looks like I need to lean more on Hype for interesting animation "candy" and less on vector drawn pngs and photos.
Different ad systems have different requirements. It really depends. Some allow downloading ~2 MB after a polite request and such.
Ultimately you'll need exact specifications. There are tons of techniques to reduce size, it may just require newer content approaches and optimizers that aren't built into Hype.
Also... @RickwTx
As for any new interested Hype 4 programming forum members, there is a gold mine of reference material available throughout this forum. There are very talented forum members from all over the world who enjoy using Hype 4 and who are willing to help anyone interested to learn more. will be your ally in the constant battle of staying under 150kb's. Also use vector where you can (svg's), these are often times way smaller in size compared to larger png's (and better in quality). And if your tight with space its better to avoid using hype's vector and shape tools, since it will require the full runtime library.
I know it's important to welcome new people into the Hype community, but are we just going to skip past the part where @DBear returned to answer this question?