I've just embebed a YouTube video following the instructions found in the Forum but it does not work the autoplay in Chrome, otherwise it works in Safari.
Have anyone a solution for this please?
The atached file is the one found in the forum...
player-2.hype.zip (13.0 KB)
Try de-selecting the Protect from external styles option.
Did you clear the browser cache after making this change?
it still doesn't work...in Safari it works fine but not in Chrome...
Is this on a web server or testing locally? You're likely hitting restrictions on the MEI. More info here: Autoplay policy in Chrome - Chrome Developers
More info: Chrome's new Media Engagement Index
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I'm testing localy, but I'd like to know if there will be problems when I decide to upload to server as well...
Autoplay unfortunately isn't a yes or no situation -- so definitely test is on a server as soon as you can if you want to rely on that behavior. This might help: https://docs.theoplayer.com/faq/17-how-does-mei-affect-autoplay-on-chrome.md
In Chrome, you can then visit:
To see how different sites fare
Finally I could run the code...