Audio sound stopping options

The ability to add ‘Stop all sounds’ to the action Stop Sound and/or list the sounds in use and use a checkbox to determine which to stop


Thanks for the request! My recommendation on a current workaround is to add pause actions for all sounds that might be in the scene.


Is there like, a JS equivalent for this that we can plug in?


I successfully adress this issue with pure Hype commands.

Take a look at

Play any track then another one to check that the playing track is shut down.


JR Thibault

@schlooie : @MaxZieb provided some nice audio-functionality in his extensionthread:

@Monteverdi preloading the audio or providing a userfeedback that audio is loading would be nice as it may take some time until the audio plays ... otherwise one may think nothing will happen

Still on my wishlist after all these years... I know... I'm still crazy :wink:

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Take a look here:
A lot of options including stop all sounds :grinning:


yep... 2 much code for my pencil :wink: I'm a drawing kind of guy!!! That's why I use Hype for most of my projects: WYSIWYG. Easy multimedia interface!

thanks @Djon

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