I applied On Drag action (Control Element Position) to an element; when we let go of the element after dragging it on the screen, can a timeline be triggered?
A clarification - I have seen multiple posts on this topic and related solutions. But they seem to be using JS or Jquery etc that I am not knowledgeable in! I am hoping for a simple hack in Hype itself:-) Thanks.
**EDIT:** Just saw your edit regarding no JavaScript if possible. If there is a way to do this without code I am not conversant with it. But really - the code above is so simple to implement - give it a go - check out the Hype Project Demo I did above. You do not have to be a JavaScript whiz - I'm not. Even if You just dip your toe into the JavaScript pool now and then, a whole new world of possibilities will open up.
Jim, thank you. You made it look so simple! And, thank you also for your advice. I tried to extend your code by verifying x and y positions. Yay! It worked. Thanks again.
A follow-up question - how can I restrict the target zone (drop area) to the dimensions of the canvas element instead of the screen/document dimensions; if I use var x = (event[‘hypeGestureXPosition’]), the value of x is much larger than the width of my canvas element. Thanks for your help.
The following is absolutely marvelous by @rene:
I find this code far more complex than the above "matt5834" posting ~ @h_classen example. From my brief perusal "offset" appears to be the approach for ascertaining the target: