Asset Hype tumult

Why not create an “asset hype” to save the templates of hype, codes, extension and many more. Because now we are very separate and different place. I’m lazy to look for templates or some codes


  • Unity 3d: AssetStore
  • Unreal Engine: Marketplace
  • Adobe Animate cc: you already have your asset in Adobe Cloud.

Available to sell the products

What do you think?


It is not about being lazy, it's about working in Hype Pro with a Pro efficiency! Same thoughts here:

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It is definitely a good idea :slight_smile:. Part of the original goal with Symbols and Templates (from v3) was to eventually make them easier to share amongst users.

For now, there’s some great user-created places to go to help get assets like:

I already know hypedocks, it's very good. I would like it to be more advanced than to give the most impact ideas and the most effective solution to your needs.

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That’s why I neatly organized the ones on my site...

But yeah, I think Tumult should host an official marketplace for digital assets related to Hype. One, I could sell more advanced templates. Two, that’s where the digital version of A Book About Hype could be sold. That would lead to more sales of the book, so I’m happy. Tumult could make a nice commission, so they’re happy. And the customers get a nice book, without searching too hard, so they’re happy.

That’s the beauty of capitalism. Everybody wins. :slightly_smiling_face: