Animation does not work properly on HYPE 4

Hello @Jonathan,

After upgrade to Hype 4, some animation does not work properly.

1# There is bottle in the following screenshot, and the animation not play smoothly

2#There is no animation setting on those texts, but it will show up only on enter viewpoint

Please view this video to understand what I mean:

And here is my Hype document for your check: (198.1 KB)

The problems are not a v3->v4 issue; they are from the drop shadow that was added on your 2371 element. Drop shadows are a new feature in v4.

Drop shadows can require a lot of rendering calculation - especially when they are large. In your case, you are also scaling elements which means the drop shadow is rendering a a much larger size. I would recommend removing all the scales of the element and enclosing groups, or render the drop shadow ahead of time via a bitmap editing program.

When the drop shadow is removed, both problems are solved.

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