This is an odd one.
In two scenarios , video file dropped on to scene or video via element innerHTML.
When video file dropped on to scene , airplay does not work. In the It basically tells me the AirPlay helper stalled. And the removes the video from it's queue.
AirPlayXPCHelper[117]: 2016-02-06 11:39:31.011693 AM [APTransportConnectionHTTP] Connection stalled for 2.098499 seconds
AirPlayXPCHelper[117]: 2016-02-06 11:39:31.101884 AM [APEndpointPlaybackSessionAirPlay] [0x51B4] RemovePlayQueueItem '5A094AA9-4E3C-4DF2-9107-274D6D3151AD'
AirPlayXPCHelper[117]: 2016-02-06 11:39:31.109918 AM [APTransportConnectionHTTP] Connection no longer stalled
AirPlayXPCHelper[117]: 2016-02-06 11:39:31.305033 AM [APSenderSessionAirPlay] Disconnecting from "_atv"
Heres a full transcript (3.8 KB) of one of the failures
If I try a video via element innerHTML and the video is referenced from the resource folder, I get the same thing.
But if I referenced the video from "" source it works.
Anyone got a clue on this or sees the same behaviour.