Thanks for the request! This isn't presently available but is definitely an important feature .
(There are a few hacks that can get a little of the functionality if you search "clone symbol" on the forums but none of them fully interact with the hype runtime that would be the main benefit)
I once came up with a solution: it allows you to duplicate a symbol but only activates a single copy of a symbol at any given state. Explanation: When you duplicate symbols—simply by duplicating the HTML—you encounter the problem of also duplicating the IDs, and the runtime only manages one set of IDs. So I implemented a workaround that deactivates all the IDs by transferring them to the data-id attribute. Then, when you click on it, it reactivates by copying all the IDs back over. That's a hack, and I used that hack in this extension. You could extract the activation code from there since the extension mainly includes a grid solution. But if you only want the activation part, it's available within the extension. Hype Template Grid
To be honest, it's a hack. And I mainly used it as a proof of concept because my main goal was the grid, and not the activation.
@MaxZieb 99.9999% of my career in interactive design has been defined by "it's a hack (but at least it works!)"
I did run into one issue - once I successfully cloned the symbols, I get an error when I attempted to play an instance's internal timeline. I'm assuming this is probably due to the fact that all the duplicates contain the same timeline name.