Accessible Documents in Tumult Hype

From "A Guide for Co-Creating Access & Inclusion" by Taeyoon Choi

If you've created accessible content in Hype following these guidelines or those posted on the site, please get in touch.

A note on Hype Content and Accessibility

Tumult Hype is a tool that empowers you to create a variety of content for the web. Because what you can create in Hype is limitless, you are responsible for constraining what you create to your audiences, their needs, and their abilities. This means that it is up to you to make design decisions like:

  • Minimum text sizes
  • Contrast for buttons and elements
  • The amount of motion in your document
  • The number and type of colors
  • Alternative content for non-sighted or less-sighted people, including dyslexic visitors
  • Translated text or video subtitles
  • How your document can be navigated without a mouse

If you don't take considerations like the above into account, fewer and fewer people will be able to read, experience, or even see your content. There's a huge amount of information about accessibility on the web--my best recommendation is to dig into the resources on this page before embarking on a large project for wide audiences. It's easier than you think to make content look great and accessible!

We are interested in both seeing how you approach building accessible content and improving our support. For more information about how to create accessible content with Hype with specific guidance, please see:

For a great walkthrough of some design considerations for building accessible webpages, please see this presentation at Funka's accessibility conference: Presentation: Accessibility in a Responsive World, A11Y Days 2017 | Filament Group, Inc.

For a broad overview of creating accessible experiences, read: A Guide for Co-Creating Access & Inclusion – The Creative Independent

And this is also a great primer on the topic of animation and accessibility:

A big item on your checklist should be building out image descriptions. Here’s a great guide on how to do that effectively: How to write an image description | by Alex Chen | UX Collective

For additional information about WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), please check out:

The checklists below are from, a site for learning about web accessibility.

Level A (Beginner)

1.1.1 – Non-text Content Provide text alternatives for non-text content

1.2.1 – Audio-only and Video-only (Pre-recorded) Provide an alternative to video-only and audio-only content

1.2.2 – Captions (Pre-recorded) Provide captions for videos with audio

1.2.3 – Audio Description or Media Alternative (Pre-recorded) Video with audio has a second alternative

1.3.1 – Info and Relationships Logical structure

1.3.2 – Meaningful Sequence Present content in a meaningful order

1.3.3 – Sensory Characteristics Use more than one sense for instructions

1.4.1 – Use of Colour Don’t use presentation that relies solely on colour

1.4.2 – Audio Control Don’t play audio automatically

2.1.1 – Keyboard Accessible by keyboard only

2.1.2 – No Keyboard Trap Don’t trap keyboard users

2.2.1 – Timing Adjustable Time limits have user controls

2.2.2 – Pause, Stop, Hide Provide user controls for moving content

2.3.1 – Three Flashes or Below No content flashes more than three times per second

2.4.1 – Bypass Blocks Provide a β€˜Skip to Content’ link

2.4.2 – Page Titled Use helpful and clear page titles

2.4.3 – Focus Order Logical order

2.4.4 – Link Purpose (In Context) Every link’s purpose is clear from its context

3.1.1 – Language of Page Page has a language assigned

3.2.1 – On Focus Elements do not change when they receive focus

3.2.2 – On Input Elements do not change when they receive input

3.3.1 – Error Identification Clearly identify input errors

3.3.2 – Labels or Instructions Label elements and give instructions

4.1.1 – Parsing No major code errors

4.1.2 – Name, Role, Value Build all elements for accessibility

WCAG 2.0 checklist Level AA (Intermediate)

1.2.4 – Captions (Live) Live videos have captions

1.2.5 – Audio Description (Pre-recorded) Users have access to audio description for video content

1.4.3 – Contrast (Minimum) Contrast ratio between text and background is at least 4.5:1

1.4.4 – Resize Text Text can be resized to 200% without loss of content or function

1.4.5 – Images of Text Don’t use images of text

2.4.5 – Multiple Ways Offer several ways to find pages

2.4.6 – Headings and Labels Use clear headings and labels

2.4.7 – Focus Visible Ensure keyboard focus is visible and clear

3.1.2 – Language of Parts Tell users when the language on a page changes

3.2.3 – Consistent Navigation Use menus consistently

3.2.4 – Consistent Identification Use icons and buttons consistently

3.3.3 – Error Suggestion Suggest fixes when users make errors

3.3.4- Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) Reduce the risk of input errors for sensitive data

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Being able to set a WebVTT file for video would be an easy way to improve accessibility.

You could also add a WCAG checker to Hype. A basic way to do that would be contrast warnings on text. If the text is too small, when compared to the background color, Hype could give an error.

Realistically, Hype is about animation. That's not something that easily translates to a screen reader. You could have an overall project setting that uses Aria tags to ignore the Hype project.

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This thread needs to go into Hype Cookbook. Love it!


How do you set the focus order in Hype so that keyboard navigation takes place in a logical way

Generally speaking, you would check "Tab index" in the accessibility portion of the Identity Inspector, and give each element an increasing index value in the order in which you want to navigate.

Thanks I'll have to read up on tab index there is a tool I was trialling that adds an accessibility icon to the page bottom right and allows all types of accessibility functionality but my keyboard control was not going in a logical order

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Im on a 7 day trial, so Im unsure if it appears here

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