About the Image slide swapper

Hi, there,nowadays I’m doing a project like this effect:[enter link description here][1]

[1]: http://www.eleven.cc/shop/pro-merino-cycling-jersey/. I have trouble with the image slide swapper…
Would anyone have some advice about this?I’m new around here, Thanks everyone very much!

Hi Lydia, this effect can be done with the same technique from the link below

and in Tumult Hype blog, there is a tutorial, the idea is very helpful :smiley:

Hey guys PLEASE I need HELP I have been trying to put together a quick simple project that is due TONIGHT!!!. I am using this template which includes 4 videos and a still image video should be full screen and play on load. Im getting some kind of wired looping going on. can anyone please help asap!!! i had to remove two video clips ignorer to meet form upload requirements @Daniel @jonathan @DBear @gasspence @MarkHunte

PAXALEX TEST 2.hype.zip (2.4 MB)

Sorry I’m on a different timezone so didn’t get this until now.

Did you get it sorted?

The reason for the looping effect of the video is because of the “autoplay” setting i believe. Perhaps a mixing of the video syncing solution and the code you are already using would be a more appropriate solution.

So, waiting for the video to load. Once it’s loaded play once and trigger start of timeline. Once the whole timeline is played (or when it reaches a certain point) reset loop counter so video will play once more when you have returned to the beginning.

Sorry can’t be of more help.


i thought i did… it worked great locally but when i viewed it from the server the background videos aren’t playing… I’m assuming its a load time issue…
