No Script, just work with two versions of each back/next-Button. One with and the Other without an Action playing the sound. So a mutebutton will just run a Timeline to Show just the desired Button. Custombehaviours and Symbols may be a good help …
this should work (445.1 KB)
Can I just interject here
I would (if it were me) just create a persistent symbol (because it lives outside the scene structure) and place my buttons inside it. That way the buttons would be available across all scenes and any interaction would be contained to the symbol so no need to check anything on scenes, etc. Unless you want to (I’ll come back to that ;))
So, here is my logic:
- Create a persistent symbol. Inside create 3 buttons. Mute, Play, Pause. Give them ID’s. My suggestions are muteBtn, playBtn, pauseBtn but it doesn’t matter except the code below must change.
- Inside the symbol and in the symbol inspector (CMD-2) choose “on Symbol Load” -> Action: “Run Javascript…”, Function: “New Function…” and in the function window type the following code (or copy and paste): Basically, this sets 2 global variables. isMuted which is set to false and audio which is assigned a new Audio object with a URL for the audio.
isMuted = false;
audio = new Audio(''); //new Audio('${resourcesFolderName}/myAudio.mp3');
- Then, highlight any of the buttons and in the Actions inspector (CMD-6) choose “on Mouse Click” -> Action: “Run Javascript…”, Function: “New Function…” and in the function window type the following code (or copy and paste again): Here we are using just one function and depending on the button’s ID we call the associated audio methods. Note, the Audio object has a “muted” property that is either true or false.
if ( == "playBtn"){ //ID assigned to play button
console.log("play pressed");
} else if ( == "pauseBtn"){ //ID assigned to pause button
console.log("pause pressed")
} else if ( == "muteBtn"){ //ID assigned to mute button
console.log("mute pressed")
if (!isMuted){ // check our global variable to check if muted or not.
audio.muted = true;
isMuted = true;
} else if (isMuted) {
console.log("not muted")
audio.muted = false;
isMuted = false;
The above technique will enable you to control one instance of audio over the entire document.
If you wanted to delve deeper, you could create variables in each scene to find out where the user is and use this variable to set the audio to play from that point. Using the currentTime property of the audio object. I’ll let Jim work on that if he wants
Regarding the other diversion within the thread. I have some documents using webAudio in Hype if you want @Photics I can share them with you and show you how you can use the technique to have seamless looped audio. PM me.
anyone else with good suggestions¿ …
Hello Jim and everyone else,
Thank you for all the suggestions! Now this is what I call a ‘community’!
Let me try out the various solutions, and see what’s best. Stay tuned…
I moved the conversation here... Annoyed Tomatoes
I'm using howler.js... ...which is nice.
It's not just a 'community' it's a Block Party! ...especially this thread.
Last night I sent via PM the following file to @rh009
Demo Project: (197.8 KB)
Online Demo here.
As per the OP's request the sound controls are only located on the "Splash" screen. When the project opens a default is set to play the soundtrack for each scene ("Head HTML")... audioSound = "true".
There are two buttons "Yes" & "No" for the Playing~Not Playing of the soundtracks. I did not use a true mute (volume "0") as the viewer would have to come back to the Splash screen to make changes - and then go back to a Scene - a disruptive procedure. Whereas a mute control on the individual Scenes themselves would have made more sense for using an actual mute.
The "On Scene Load" handler runs the following sceneAudioSetting function:
if(audioSound == "true") {
var whatScene = hypeDocument.currentSceneName();
whatScene = whatScene.slice(-2);
var sceneAudio = '${resourcesFolderName}/audioTrack' + whatScene + '.mp3';
window.sceneNarration = new Audio(sceneAudio);;
The Scene names end in two digits indicating the Scene Number (e.g. myScene_01, yosemite02, etc.)
This number is used to match the Scene and the soundtrack which also has the same digits somewhere in the name.
There is no "else if" construction since if the soundtrack is set to not play (audioSound = "false") we don't need to bother with it.
I tried Jims universalMute and its really awesome!
Its nearly exactly what i need in my project but there is some problems that i can’t get my head around.
This setup will not play the audio on any iOS divice. I know that i have to trigger the audio but i can’t figure out how.
If i use Play Sound on Scene load i can get it to work on iOS but when Scene Load runs the javascript in the example it does not play.
The other thing is that it stops the sound and start the sound from the beginning. Is it possible to mute it instead?
Does anyone know how to alter this great setup so that it works om iOS?
PS. I am not a programer
To my knowledge there is no way to autoplay audio or to mute audio for iOS devices using JavaScript.
Here are some links on the topic:
Apple iOS-Specific Considerations and apple insider.
What I put together for You is a Demo: (95.3 KB)
This Demo autoplays if it is on a Desktop.
There is also a “Play”~“Pause” toggle button. On the Desktop version (which autoplays) this toggle state is set to “Pause”. When the demo is running on an iOS device the toggle button state is set to “Play”.
The “Mute” button only shows up on the Desktop version since a “Mute” control is non-functional on an iOS device.
There is only one Scene in the Demo.
"Head HTML" setting is the same as in the post of my previous Demo (2 weeks ago from this post) with the “audioSound” variable set to “true”.
The Functions…
sceneAudioSetting - as in my previous Demo above (2 weeks ago from this post).
muteToggle - checks the name of the button’s innerHTML. If the innerHTML of the button is currently “Mute” the volume is set to “0” and the innerHTML is switched to “unMute”. If the innerHTML is “unMute” the volume is set to “0.8” (80%) and the innerHTML is set to “Mute”.
iOSPlayPauseToggle - same type of set-up as with the muteToggle except the innerHTML toggles between “Play” & “Pause” of the name in the Play~Pause button with the respective action of playing or pausing the audio track.
iOSCheck - does exactly that (“On Scene Load” event handler). If an iOS device is detected then the “Mute” button is hidden (it’s of no use on iOS) and the “Play”~“Pause” toggle button is set to “Play” as the user must deliberately start the audio track; for a Desktop the default is “Pause” as the audio track autoplays.