A small dragndrop game, two layouts

a small dragNdrop-game.

embedded in awordpresstheme here

Hi Hans, I tried… very hard.
Two problems with that on a mobile screen:

  • pictures to small to recognize any person
  • it’s not possible to override a wrong selection with a right picture so that you get automatically another wrong

Technically excellent but the game idea is not thoughtful.


Hi Olof,

yes, this can be ... but be aware that the name of the person is also displayed on top.

true, it's not a full game ... more of a gimmick and test ...

best first advent :slight_smile:

Yeah, you are right. I tried the desktop version as well and there was the name at the top. On a iPhone 6 is this line not reachable until you dragging a picture. Maybe better to place the text next to the images.

Beste Grüße