A Hype Professional Icon

Did you know a different icon was originally designed for Hype Pro? Unfortunately we were unable to use it due to in-app-upgrade restrictions. You can grab it here:

To use it on your copy of Hype:

  1. Unzip and open this .icns file in Preview.
  2. Select Edit > Copy
  3. Select Hype.app, and ctrl + click.
  4. Select ‘Show Info’
  5. Select the Hype Icon in the window that appears
  6. Type ⌘ + v to paste this icon in its place (or drag it onto the icon as shown)

Note: you’ll probably have to repeat this step after each upgrade.

HypePro.icns.zip (759.6 KB)


It’s a long way from the old hummingbird icon. Ha ha!