Widgets – A Replacement for the macOS Dashboard 🎛

Here's a feature I'm really happy with…

Widgets now has theme switching. With iOS 13 adding "Dark Mode", it's an important feature to have. That can help with app promotion. It's also really nice for the customers, as they can pick their favorite look.

Now that this feature is done, I realize how easily this could have been done with Hype. Instead of creating an array, and using CSS variables, I could have just used timelines. If I want to change the theme, I just change the timeline. Oh well, too bad Hype doesn't have built-in flexbox support. It's really powerful.

Anyway, I haven't forgotten about Hype. I've been busy with this project. For now, here's just some info. Remember this post?

Well, if you use JavaScript to detect "Dark Mode", you can switch your Hype project accordingly. It can be a nice feature to add.

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