Video autoplay on Desktop

I’m must be missing something huge but here

it says clearly that in order for a video to autoplay it should work on Desktop.

But I import a video
Autoplay is on
But when I preview the video does not autoplay.

Thank you for the explanation.

Don't get me wrong but have tried the search function for this? :slightly_smiling_face:
There are plenty of topics that cover video play.

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People not always use the right words in their answers and therefore finding the topic that really talks about autpplaying a video on Desktop is not easy.

Modern browsers require the video to be muted or to have user interaction to autoplay.

Note that your documentation link is to v2's documentation; this is definitely out of date since the status of vide playback in browsers has changed a lot since then. That said, even the v4 Audio & Video documentation needs to be updated :sweat_smile:.

The current UI for the video in the Element Inspector better reflects this:

Screen Shot 2020-07-08 at 12.24.52 PM

You should as Google points to these pages while typing these basic keywords.

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