Version iPhone don't work in hype pro 4

Hello, I have a document with three layouts in Hype Pro 4 iPhone, iPad Portrait and Desktop computer but in iPhone don’t work and is displaying desktop version instead.
This is the web page:

Hype document is 32.4 megabytes in .zip compressed.

I would appreciate your help

When I reach the breakpoint … on chrome it folds. Maybe the breakpoint is just set to narrow for modern iPhone screens? Check out:


Another observation about your OnePager site. I don’t see hardly any animations? Maybe this is a case of the wrong tool for the job. I would build a page like that with another app. Maybe or (or WordPress but that is also probably overkill for a OnePager) … you can always embed Hype animations or widgets.

Thank you so much for your advice.
I’m testing now but when is finished all layouts I will do all animation I have planned for this projects thanks.
I love Hype so I don’t want to change to another app.

I know it reach the breakpoint in browsers but if you open in iPhone is not working, so I don’t know what’s is happening never happened this is the first time

I need help please!!

2 Hours ago I asked you for help to see a web page I am doing please I need help on this problem.
This problem never happened to me when I was using Hype Pro 3 app.
Thank you

If you are talking to the forum in general… give the tumult team some time to respond. And if you are talking to other users … I and most people helping on their free time.

Thank you…
I don’t know who I’am talking to I think I talking to people es responsible for support.

I'm seeing this on an iPhone XR. Is this what is expected?

I don't get any breakpoints firing when resizing on desktop

There has been a reply in another topic by Hans

Where he shows you that there is only 1 breakpoint set for the Scene ("Untitled")

Thanks for take a look I have to delete the iPhone and iPad layout I am in a hurry for this project so I am starting again with an empty iPhone layout testing to see what happen.
I will let you know when I have this finish ok?
Thank you again