Timeline Action timestamps in scene

Yeah. It was really crucial to Flash too. Many designer used it to create their first “loops” and it was often a gateway going from simple timeline logic to full on action scripting at the time. It also, introduced people to using movieclips and loops in a timeline as simple state machines. This is somewhat possible with the multiple timelines feature in Hype, though with some quirks as editing elements in the main timeline often shifts/breaks/modifies elements on sub timelines).

This feature request was also on my wishlist for Hype 4. I guess I am using this thread for putting it on the wishlist for 5.

Apart, of the general demonstration on how to extract markers (with disclaimer), in the second example when using a chapter control … I just realize instead of determining the last chapter index based on the last time it was triggered (as we are using custom behavior here) one can just determine the last and next index by comparing the current timeline time index to the generated lookup and find next and last markers that way :man_facepalming:. It is actually pretty simple. So, having a hacked label API and interface already allows multiple use cases… now we just need it to be sanctioned through an official interface and API.

If a new label full on graphical interface for labels isn’t planned for Hype 5, having a way to extract keyframe info (JS object/list) would probably be a intermediary trick, as seen here. Difference to this being that the API would be official and supported.

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