Timeline Action timestamps in scene

Here is a version with chapter markers.

Updated download including fix (see discourse below):
goToChapter.hype.zip (27,3 KB)

The previous marker and next marker logic still isn't optimized for a playing head logic. It records markers it passes and previous marker, then jumps to the last current marker index -1 and next marker to the last current marker +1. I guess it would also make sense to check if the play head is already past the current marker time, and then rather behave like going to current marker as seen at the beginning of the video.

Update: Here is a version that plays around with a last chapter idea. There is a threshold of 0.33 seconds after a marker and if that is passed it considers the marker just passed the last, else it jumps to the previous marker:

Updated download including fix (see discourse below):
goToChapterWithLast.hype.zip (33,9 KB)

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