Problems with iOS hyperlinks activating

I’m wondering if someone could help me solve an issue with external hyperlinks not activating in my iOS project. I am able to get it to work on Android but not iPhone. I am also able to get it to work directly through Hype. I was told by a programmer that it’s something that needs to be activated in Hype for it to work properly but I’m not certain how to fix it??? He said the following: “The hyperlinks are via the HTML, they must point to ‘external’ browser, this is typically done by setting “target = _new” to <a> tag. These links are made by Hype framework, and are not <a> tags, instead only some divs with attached script…What should work is, you should look for a setting in the Hype editor, to open the links in new window. This will direct it outside our app and should be opened as desired.”

Can someone help me with this???? I uploaded to google drive the hype project file. Basically if you tap on the icon at the top left it will activate a coffee cup page which gives the option to tap on the Apple App Store icon at the top of the screen. The problem is that the hyperlink doesn’t activate the browser in the project build. Any help would be much appreciated!


Using <a> tags with the target="_new" directive will not make any difference in this case (in fact _new is not even a HTML5 compliant option).

To direct a link to open outside of your application, you will need to specifically handle this with a uiDelegate to your WKWebView and implement this method:


There was a recent thread on the forums about it, pointing to this StackOverflow solution:

You will need to make sure Open in New Window is checked for the Go to URL action.

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