Mouse hover effect support

Another problem arises when I click on the "see more" button it cannot take me to the predefined URL if I select "Ignore all pointer events". But if selected, when the mouse over Butten "See more" is selected, it will conflict with the effect of appearing the outer border of the element. Please help.

I also want to include the price in my banner ad, but the Curency character here can't go up like the way I want to show it. Do you think this feature should be added? And now if I want to fix this, how will I do it?

After all i'm having a real challenge with:

  1. How when the mouse out effect on the button doesn't re-launch my border changer effect.
  2. I want my border effect to run on the main timeline but when there is a mouse hover effect this main timeline will stop.
  3. I want my ad to loop over the main time about 3 times before stopping completely.
    Please help!
    Google (50.5 KB)


You need to zip and post the Hype project not the exported files.

Sorry i am quite new. Can you guide me how to save it properly and upload it here?

Find your Hype project file ( i.e. foo.hype ) in the Macs Finder.

Control + Click on it to get a contextual menu on it.
Select compress…

You should then get a new zip file probably named
Add that file to a post.

i tried again and attached it at the bottom, please take a look. Thank.
Google (325.6 KB)

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  • I put the currency symbol in the text with sup
  • you animated the same items in different timelines and that can lead to problems. I added the timelines (flash) to have them on a trigger on the main timeline instead of directly
  • whole card is clickable
  • loop counter store variable in hypeDocument and only pauses

Hope that helps to get you started

Google Ads (354,5 KB)

  • I can understand your sub part.

  • I can also understand how you make my elements (especially the button part) not re-enable border effects.

  • however about the main timeline I probably need you to elaborate a bit more:

  1. The gradient border effect will occur when there is a mouseover event. And play in reverse when dragging the mouse out. However how can you get the main timeline to run automatically when there is no event triggered by the mouse flash?
  2. Will this loop still work if I take all your code and move it into another project?

Can you explain more specifically about your mode setting mechanism?

To start of I would probably done it all with symbols to begin with. I worked with what you provided and in that sense you guide the solution by the way you structured your file to begin with. That said

  • great that you looked up sup
  • the timeline reset is probably not needed anymore (custom behavior)
  • about moving code. Hype is a visual interface that stores its setup in its own files (.hype, .hypetemplate, .hypesymbol) and therefor you create reusable templates or symbols. Moving code entails recreating everything. It works but has the most work attached. Rather build yourself a template library.
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Thank you for your help. I've customized your script the way I want, but I'll probably have to learn a lot more about reusing these elements in the future.

One more thing I need your help with is that the image is quite blurry in the preview mode although in the editor everything is very clear. And I also don't know how to upload this element on my wordpress site.

Just disable image optimization in the resource panel (each image has that option).
For WordPress use the Hype Tumult Plugin found in the official WordPress Repo (just search for it under plugins).

Sorry for being an advertiser, I'm not very familiar with how this app works. Can you show me a little more clearly, if there are screenshots all the better. I have edited a bit with the file you sent, can you give me an example of the application of a symbol? Currently every element I have to repeat the operations quite a few times.
Google Ads (170.1 KB)

when i try to upload google html5 validator it shows the following. I then added exit actions on my file, but it still didn't work. Is there any solution for that?
Google Ads (170.4 KB)

did you use the matching hype-exportscript to built your ad?
step over here to lookup the exportscripts: Tumult Hype — Export Scripts
sounds in your case you may need the Google Ads (AdWords)-script


You're welcome to post what exactly what was uploaded to generate that error, but I think @h_classen probably is giving the correct advise as I can restore your document from the posted export and re-export as AdWords and it works correctly. You'd use this export script:

Google Ads:

And then make sure to do a File > Export as HTML5 > AdWords… export instead of a normal one.

If that still doesn't work, feel free to upload a zip of your .hype document (not a .hyperesources export, but your actual working document) and the .zip you are uploading to google ads.

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after a while of self research maybe i already know the problem, as far as i know google give up their selective advertising since 2017. My ads build without exitAPI because it treats the whole part the inner element is a single class - meaning no part can be selected separately when you click. There is only one landing page in all, which misleads my initial misunderstanding of this advertising platform. If I'm wrong people can add later. Sorry for not being able to respond right away because I've been sick for the past few days.

It sounds like there may just be a mismatch between the requirements you are getting on the platform and the validator they want you to use?

Maybe you have a sample ad they gave that passes? If so you can post that and we can probably help making sure your ad conforms in a similar way.

(and I hope you are feeling better! nasty stuff is going around!)

Thank you! Can you explain to me why when I install the custom behavior in the timeline but it doesn't run.

Another question is how can I remove my timeline hover?
Master (905.9 KB)

The issue is that you defined your custom behavior on the scene. You have hover banner in and hover banner out set to continue the scene's "Hover" timeline. However, the scene's Hover timeline doesn't do anything.

Instead what I think you want is to define the custom behaviors on your "Symbol 2" element instead. That appears to have a Hover timeline that contains animations. So basically you'll want to select Symbol 2, choose Symbol > Enter Symbol (or double-click it) and then you'll see that the Scene Inspector has been replaced with the Symbol inspector. Here is where you'll want to make your custom behaviors.

I assume you mean the scene-level one, which does nothing. To remove a timeline, go to the scene (or symbol) inspector, and then in the Animation Timelines section you can select the timeline and hit the - minus button to remove it.

Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 4.50.05 PM

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