Mobile with large dimensions showing desktop layouts


@shayan try this example

I think the suggestions~answers in this topic show just how weak the current state of affairs is.

As I’ve been following this thread it occurred to me the one thing that easily separates mobile from desktops is the “hover” feature; so I did a search and - yahoo! - found this.

The whole “Media Queries Level 4” is worth a read:

Yes, it’s all in a draft state (current: June 6 , 2017) but - when this drops - it will be a Beautiful thing.

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I have run in to this issue before and have never found a real reliable answer.
The none hover thing may work as a work around at some point

But it would be good if there was actually a device type/group register that was reliable and part of a standard.


do you know how can I say in that java

if(navigator.userAgent.match(/SAMSUNG|SGH-[I|N|T]|GT-[I|P|N]|SM-[N|P|T|Z|G]|SHV-E|SCH-[I|J|R|S]|SPH-L/i)) {
alert(“it’s Samsung default browser”);
// your code for Samsung goes here

that after detecting read the iPhone version 2x or 3x?