Master 'mute all' audio button

You may be able to do something if your audio elements are added to the scenes using audio tags construction.

But if placed on a scene or called by timeline/scene load then you will likely fall under the short fall of Hype audio and having no direct access to its audio context.

It's been a long standing request to get access and people do seem to keep hitting this wall.

@MaxZieb discovered a hack of getting to the Hype Audio context a while back.

But note that Max's work around is a Hack and could break at any time

I did a quick test using suspend() and resume()

Using it to suspend() any audio would work but any future triggers on a timeline or scene load would resume() ALL audio context and therefore negating the suspend() before the user manually used resume()

There may be a way of preventing that with audio context apis but I do cannot see anything obvious about it and the api is involved to say the least...

It may be simple or impossible.