I was just looking through @danials new post for [howto-different-masking-techniques][1]
And @h_classen brilliant [Responsive-reveal-of-a-picture technique][2]
And wanted to see if you can get something similar in just using pure Hype.
The Scene uses Scaling with the built in Scale controls.
The Images are set to scale width and height using the inner pinning springs. (Metrics)
And the Handle Group is pinned to all four sides. ( This keeps it in the correct position )
The Handles control a reveal timeline that sets the width of the Foreground images group and also moves the handle in step with the drag.
You can but admittedly it is not as smooth.
Also it would be great if you could determine width sizing from Left to Right. ( Hence this goes from Right to Left)
I am posting this here because it is using the Content Overflow that Daniel demonstrates but shows you a dynamic use.
reveal2.hype.zip (913.1 KB)
I just realised to get the slid to go from left to right. We just need to swap the images around so that the blurred image is below the sharp image.
Then have a scene load that take you to the end of the reveal timeline, so you start from the end and work back to the start. The on drag Action for the timeline still drags in revers direction
reveal3.hype.zip (873.7 KB)
[1]: Howto: Four Different Masking Techniques
[2]: Responsive reveal of a picture