Lottie player with live preview (made with Hype Data Decorator)

Because Hype overwrites the innerHTML of the node when you open the editor. This kills the Lottie player preview in the IDE. As I can't influence the IDE and there is still no API I can't tell the editor about our little "take over". So, just don't edit the innerHTML... I guess. As nothing really breaks apart of the preview just close and open the document again because there is no built in stage refresh option in Hype. I have a feature request on that but don't hold your breath on it (as the initial feedback was in my opinion hesitant, but never know maybe Tumult [re]considers it). Until then it is open and close to fix misfiring live previews. If you want to see what is going on in the node just preview it in the browser and then use the web inspector. If you are really curious then you could also enable WebKitDeveloperExtras and enable a stage inspector. And if you want to learn about what enables this look at the Hype Data Decorator project and that is heavily based on Mutation Observer.

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