Learning Hype: Where to find books, tutorials or other learning materials?

I read the text "Learning Tumult Hype" by Daniel Connerth & Simon Widjaja and edited the attached hype sample documents.

This was quite helpful in explaining some of the basic features of Hype to a Hype beginner.

I wonder if there are other similar tutorials for Hype. I've already seen some YouTube videos on Hype, but they don't really replace a text tutorial or learning book.

Unfortunately, the book "A book about Hype" is not available at the moment. I would love to read it and learn from it.

Are there any other sources - besides the manual - that could help me learn the slightly more complex functions of Hype?
In particular, I am interested in the integration of JavaScript into Hype projects.

I could imagine that maybe more people would work with Hype if there was more learning material for it.

Thanks in advance for your help. :slightly_smiling_face:

I've been having problems with e-commerce. I haven't found one that I liked. That's why I bumped this thread…

If there was an official Tumult marketplace, and it was friendly to content creators, then it seems ideal to just post it there. “A Book About Hype” certainly gives Tumult an easy way to test the waters.

Also, lately I've been considering the advertiser route. If I can find a sponsor, then I could simply convert the whole book to a series videos on Photics.TV (YouTube) and release the ePub for free.

Although, that was the idea of this playlist…

…but the channel is not monetized and the views are terrible. Just one Crossy Road video is more popular than all of the Hype videos. :smile:

A fairly simple way could be to convert the book to ePub or mobi and offer it through Amazon.

Another possibility would be a donation-ware project. I've done this in the past with two or three books and the revenue generated was sometimes higher than that of books I sold through the normal distribution channels.

I've looked at Amazon and GitHub sponsors. It doesn't meet my requirements.

@Photics's book was particularly good in this regard :slight_smile:.

I'd probably ask:

  • what content are you trying to make?
  • what is your current javascript proficiency?

It isn't organized like a book so I know it isn't quite what you're asking, but I'd say people generally turn to the forums when they've wanted to exceed built-in capabilities so there's just tons of JavaScript integration help here when searching.

Thanks! The book is back. It's available as an ePub on Lulu…

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Thank you very much.

I've ordered the book a few minutes ago and I'm looking forward to read it in next days.
Fortunately it's Christmas time and I have a lot of free time to deal intensively with the book.
