I this possible: Direct loading animated GIFs with timeline only vs. on sceneload?

I think this issue is more a Chrome issue if I remember right.

The only way I have found to do it consitantly is with code to laod the gifs.

     var imgcontainer = hypeDocument.getElementById("imgcontainer")
     var gifName = element.id
     var d = new Date();
imgcontainer.innerHTML = '<img src="' + '${resourcesFolderName}/' + gifName + '.gif?dummy='  + d.getTime() + '">';  

This code is very simple to use.
How you actually call the loader can use any action but you will need to determin how to know whiich gif is loaded.

In this case we use button click actions and the id of the buttons.

Add a Rect to your scene and give it the id of imgcontainer

Add for eaxmple buttons that have the name of each gif as it's id.

for example foo.gif would give it's button the id of foo.

Will also need to add a cache number on the end so the browser see the image as a new one and not use a cache

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