You really need to supply much more info than you have. i.e the real site that has the code you refer to, What you want the pages to do and what content you will be using. I.e Images real text…
In the mean time,
Here is an example I just knocked together.
The way the original example I looked at had a main Div.
In the main Div. It had a stack of other Divs. Each of these had a background url to an image.
Each of the stacked Divs with the images became a Page.
So in this Hype Example.
I have Stacked some groups on top of each other.
Each Group holds it’s own content elements.
Those Groups are the pages.
I then Grouped all of the pages/groups in a parent Group.
The parent group that holds the page groups has an id that must be matched in the JS code.
I chose to use Grouped elements as Pages. But you can just use individual elements.
The JS library I used was from the github page
Also the Webpage for more info
PageTurnV2.zip (389.0 KB)