HypeLama (Hype + Scrollama): Scrollytelling using IntersectionObserver for Hype

Thanks, for all the flowers guys, but be aware that the Polyfill won't work in a cross domain iFrame as you can read on the w3c polyfill page, the Sandbox breakout is rooted in direct browser support allowing the detection. Hence, a polyfill can't work around the sandbox :

Meaning it will fail on everything listed here in red:

I have it working on one domain, but not nested in a second one.


Also my loopCount gets ignored. Wenn in view it is infinite. We can't exceed over 30 Seconds.

@MaxZieb I cannot rename the Hype file. Your HypeActionEvents.min.js has the ID caught on line 66 to not update to the new name main DIV ID. The js-file is minified so I can't understand it. :wink:

You can find it all unminifed on GitHub

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