How do I run particle.js json file in hype project?

Basic steps:

  1. On the particles.js site, click Download current config (json)
  2. Drag the resulting particlesjs-config.json file into your Hype document’s resources library
  3. On that same site, hit download to get the particles.js file
  4. Unzip, and drag the particles.min.js file into your Hype document’s resources library
  5. Create a Rectangle element and give it a Unique Element ID of particles-js
  6. Add an On Scene Load handler to Run Javascript… and use this code:
	particlesJS.load('particles-js', '${resourcesFolderName}/particlesjs-config.json', function() {
	  console.log('callback - particles.js config loaded');
	}); (21.6 KB)