Getting a SQL table to display in a Hype element

Well, there was a reason I linked to those two tutorials. From what I saw in the PHP file, you're doing the HTML formatting in the PHP file. You might be able to get that to work, but I'm not sure that's "best practice". That's where JSON comes in. With that approach, only pure data is being output by the database / PHP file. The HTML formatting, such as building a table or populating elements, could be handled in the Hype project.

Here's another way of looking at it...

...the elements in Hype are changed based on two things... the user action (button press) and the data in the two-dimensional array.

In the Multilingual example, it's self-contained, so it's not using JSON. That's why I linked to the two tutorials. JSON can be created by the PHP file and then the jQuery in Hype project can process that data. Once you have the data, you can use "innerHTML" to change the elements in your Hype project.

That seems to be the common way of doing this. No?

UPDATE: I read the linked thread and @MaxZieb is basically saying the same thing...

Great post! He mentions JSON and sanitizing your inputs / risk of being hacked.