Delaying loading of a symbol or timeline

display:none might not work as it tells the browser that it can potentially dismiss the object as it is not in the render list. Use rather something like visibility instead.


The persistent symbol placed on the next scene did not preload the HTML widget on the next scene. See this doc. On scene 1 you can see the website is loaded, but when you click the Next Scene button, it still takes a few seconds to load (its not already loaded) -- which for my usecase takes even longer as it is heavier.

Preloading on different (30.5 KB)

There are quite a few posts on preloading the next scene but I could not find any that solves the problem.

  1. I tried using this one but all it does is immediately load the next scene on the current scene, as far as I can tell.

nextScene = $(".HYPE_scene").filter(":visible");

  1. I am curious what Hans meant here:

Any specific guidance would be most appreciated.



in your example you ran ‘loadcreatewidget’ on the second scene again. which means reassigning the src for the iFrame … so it’ll load again. this makes no sense …

edit: it seems in most cases moving an iFrame around from node to node results in reloading. this behaviour is not hype-related. so regarding preloading it might not be a good idea to do so. a first googlesearch prompted the use of ‘adoptNode’, but it does not seem be a reliable hack …

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Yes – no need to run ‘loadcreatewidget’ again. My bad.

Got it – interesting behavior of iFrame visavis change of nodes.

Thanks for giving it a shot and finding out some more info.