Creating a Flexible Tumult Hype Document within a DIV with no set 'height'

In this super popular code snippet, I thought it would be useful to have chat GPT add some code comments to explain the magic of what's going on. This is a very useful snippet for folks embedding responsive documents within Wordpress where you want a fixed ratio based on the active responsive layout:

  // Define the layoutRequest function
  function layoutRequest(hypeDocument, element, event) {
    // Get an array of all layouts for the current scene
    var _layouts = hypeDocument.layoutsForSceneNamed(hypeDocument.currentSceneName());
    // Get the name of the current layout
    var layoutName = hypeDocument.currentLayoutName();

    // Initialize a variable to store the data for the current layout
    var res = null;

    // Loop through the array of layouts
    for (var i = 0; i < _layouts.length; i++) {
      // Get the current layout object
      var Obj = _layouts[i];
      // Check if the current layout object matches the current layout name
      if ( === layoutName) {
        // If it does, store the layout data in the res variable
        res = Obj;
        // Stop the loop

    // If layout data was found, use it to resize the Hype document element
    if (res) {
      // Calculate the ratio of width to height for the current layout
      var ratioScale = res['width'] / res['height'];
      // Get the Hype document element
      var hypeEl = document.getElementById(hypeDocument.documentId());
      // Get the current width of the Hype document element
      var currentWidth = hypeEl.offsetWidth;
      // Calculate the new height of the Hype document element based on the layout ratio
      var newHeight = currentWidth / ratioScale;
      // Set the height of the Hype document element = newHeight + 'px';

      // Tell the Hype document to relayout its elements and groups

    // Return false to indicate that the event should not be propagated further
    return false;

  // Check if the HYPE_eventListeners array exists in the global scope
  if ("HYPE_eventListeners" in window === false) {
    // If it doesn't, create it
    window.HYPE_eventListeners = Array();
  // Add an event listener for the HypeLayoutRequest event
    "type": "HypeLayoutRequest",
    "callback": layoutRequest