Creating a Custom Preloader

Hello Daniel,

I'm working on a Spanish project and I would like to change the default loading screen English text into Spanish (Cargando)

Would it be possible please to explain this?

Thanks very much

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I assume you mean not the custom one referred to in this post, but the "default" for when you check "Show loading indicator" in the Document Inspector?

If you run Hype in Spanish, then the Loading text will be localized to "Cargando" when exporting.

Hi - Thanks for your replied! Correct, I’m talking about the default loading indicator.
I’m based in the UK and using the English version of Hype. I need to create 2 projects, one in English and one duplicated in Spanish. These are to be used internally at work.

I will try and change the language in settings!


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You can also use Hype Document Loader to inject a loader on the fly.


Thank you, Max :+1:

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