Here’s something for those who have not used automation in Photoshop. This is pretty simple. Do a search for Photoshop automation for detailed instructions.
You can process a ton of images quickly and in many ways. Here’s an example using TinyPNG-TinyJPG:
- Create a folder on your desktop, naming it whatever makes sense (“Processed Art” or whatever).
- Open a PNG in Photoshop.
- Open the Actions palette, click on the Create new action button, then name the action “Tiny PNG”.
- Click on the red Record button.
- Select Export > TinyPNG and TinyJPG.
- Click on the PNG button and select the Processed Art folder as the target and hit the save button.
- Hit the black Stop Recording button.
- Now open a JPG in Photoshop, create a new action named “Tiny JPG” and hit the record button. Repeat the above steps, but click on the JPG button instead.
Now try this with a group of images at the same time:
- Open a number of JPGs or PNGs in Photoshop.
- Select Automate > Batch and select the desired action (TinyPNG or TinyJPG).
- For the Source drop-down select Opened Files.
- For the Destination, specify your Processed Art folder then click on the Okay button.
For large numbers of files:
- Create a Source folder and drag in all the images you want to process. Do not open any images in Photoshop.
- Select Batch, set the source to the Source folder instead of Opened Files.
- Hit the Okay button.
Caveat: Make sure your source PNG files are in RGB format rather than Indexed or you’ll get a file format error.