Compression of PNGs and JPGs

Here’s something for those who have not used automation in Photoshop. This is pretty simple. Do a search for Photoshop automation for detailed instructions.

You can process a ton of images quickly and in many ways. Here’s an example using TinyPNG-TinyJPG:

  1. Create a folder on your desktop, naming it whatever makes sense (“Processed Art” or whatever).
  2. Open a PNG in Photoshop.
  3. Open the Actions palette, click on the Create new action button, then name the action “Tiny PNG”.
  4. Click on the red Record button.
  5. Select Export > TinyPNG and TinyJPG.
  6. Click on the PNG button and select the Processed Art folder as the target and hit the save button.
  7. Hit the black Stop Recording button.
  8. Now open a JPG in Photoshop, create a new action named “Tiny JPG” and hit the record button. Repeat the above steps, but click on the JPG button instead.

Now try this with a group of images at the same time:

  1. Open a number of JPGs or PNGs in Photoshop.
  2. Select Automate > Batch and select the desired action (TinyPNG or TinyJPG).
  3. For the Source drop-down select Opened Files.
  4. For the Destination, specify your Processed Art folder then click on the Okay button.

For large numbers of files:

  1. Create a Source folder and drag in all the images you want to process. Do not open any images in Photoshop.
  2. Select Batch, set the source to the Source folder instead of Opened Files.
  3. Hit the Okay button.

Caveat: Make sure your source PNG files are in RGB format rather than Indexed or you’ll get a file format error.

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