Hello Max, sorry for late return, much thanks for your tips, yes, it is really not easy for me, haaa… It drive me more interested to learn code anyway… ha… in last week, I actually studied and tried a lot for your tips and others. However the problem cannot be solve still.
I found out what I exactly like to achieve is something like the problem from Ollie Auto-Scroll to next anchor on Mouse-wheel movement ,it seems not yet been solve too. I also building a long scene, it is already included a lot of function setup and some of parts are related to other scene, so I would like to find any method that would not change my scene structure a lot if possible.
I found this script / demo is really close to what I like to do, but I am not too sure how to embed it into my Hype document, would you possible to help or give me any tips again?..
I think it is good to detect mouse wheel action to trigger scroll to certain id.
- In my hype doc, the first page is longer, the other pages are same height, it is a little different to many “Page Scroll” examples they usually with same page height.
- I saw some of external script / plugin, they request to add “section class” tag to define each page, but I think the “Class Name” tab inside “Identity” tab of Hype is just “div class”. Right?
below method seems similar but not so smooth compare with above, fyr:
Thanks…Dokinse 04.3.hype.zip (1.8 MB)