A Simple Javascript Problem

I’m having one problem. When I put in the real data in place of the mock data. For example:

var vStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[0].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step;
	var wStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[1].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step;
	var xStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[2].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step;

in place of the mock data:

 var vStepAnswer = "2"  /// mock of the step feed back
var wStepAnswer = "5" /// mock of the step feed back
var xStepAnswer = "6"/// mock of the step feed back

No matter what numbers the real data returns I’m always getting the “All wrong” response. I’ve tried plugging in the mock variable again and it works fine. I’ve tried editing the answer key to different correct responses but that hasn’t changed anything.

Do I need to make some other edit?

Thank you!

Here is the entire code:

	window.scoreView.getScore().done(function(scoreData) {
	var vStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[0].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step;
	var wStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[1].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step;
	var xStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[2].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step;

	var stepKeysAnswers  = [['vAnswer',vStepAnswer,"E"],['wAnswer',wStepAnswer,"F"],['xAnswer',xStepAnswer,"D"]]// we put the feed back answers in arrays with the correct answer key name.
   var  correctAnswers = {vAnswer:["2" , "4", "0"],wAnswer:["3","5","1"],xAnswer:[ "1","3","6"] } //-- all correct answers
    var answerCheckIncorrect = []; //-- final array to hold the false results below.
for (i = 0; i < stepKeysAnswers.length; i++) { 
//-- we iterate over each setp answer array and work through each answer using the key and feed back answer for that key

 var thisIsCorrect =   correctAnswers[stepKeysAnswers[i][0]].includes(stepKeysAnswers[i][1]) //- i.e correctAnswers[wAnswer].includes(4)
 // push the true or false result to the answerCheck array.
 if (!thisIsCorrect){

   //-- All Correct
if (answerCheckIncorrect.length == 0 ){   
	 hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").innerHTML = "Great job! You have successfully entered a consonant note for each of the violin notes.";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.color = "#008F00";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.borderLeft =  "6px solid green";  
         hypeDocument.getElementById("check4").innerHTML = "Play Again!";
   //-- One wrong
   if (answerCheckIncorrect.length == 1 ){   
	 hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").innerHTML = "The note you entered above '" + answerCheckIncorrect[0][2] + "' is incorrect. The other notes are all correct. Try again!";
 hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.color = "red";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.borderLeft =  "6px solid red";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("check4").innerHTML = "Check Again!"; 
    	//-- All wrong
 	if (answerCheckIncorrect.length == stepKeysAnswers.length ){
 	    hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").innerHTML = "Try again! All of the notes you've entered are incorrect. ";
          hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.color = "red";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.borderLeft =  "6px solid red";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("check4").innerHTML = "Check Again!"; 

   //-- some wrong.
  var theNoticeString = "" 
for (i = 0; i < answerCheckIncorrect.length; i++) { 
 theNoticeString +=  "'" + answerCheckIncorrect[i][2] + "' , " ;

theNoticeString = "The notes you entered above  "  +     theNoticeString  + " are wrong, The other notes are all correct. Try again!";  

 hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").innerHTML = theNoticeString;
          hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.color = "red";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.borderLeft =  "6px solid red";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("check4").innerHTML = "Check Again!"; 

What actually is being returned?

Is it for example




One is a number the other a string

Not on my mac at the mo, but I was able to test the code on my iPad.

It probably is what I am suggesting above and my fault as I used strings as the answers instead of numbers.

So just change the answers to numbers. I.e

vAnswer:[“2” , “4”, “0”]


vAnswer:[2 , 4, 0]

1 Like

Yes, that fixed i! Works brilliantly!

Thank you!

1 Like

Thanks again @MarkHunte
You can see it in action here and learn about Diatonic Chords.:wink:


I was hoping to see what all your hard work was for.
Great job @matt5834,

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Though this latest one is not listed here, interested folks can see a preview of the way we are using Hype to build a progressive music composition curriculum used by teachers throughout the US and beyond here: YCIW Preview


And great job Mark Hunte… giving your time and expertise to help see things through :clap: :musical_score:


@MarkHunte I’m having one issue with this that I can’t seem to figure out. As mentioned above the code is working wonderfully.
However, how can I implement a wrong answer if two of three or three of the same correct answers are entered. In other words let’s that we had
var correctAnswers = {vAnswer:[1, 3, 5],wAnswer:[1,3,5],xAnswer:[1,3,5] } //-- all correct answers

If 1 were entered as the answer for vAnswer it could not be used as a correct answer for wAnswer or x Answer.

Does that make sense?

Nope. I do not understand.

What I do under stand is.

var vStepAnswer = 1 /// mock of the step feed back
var wStepAnswer = 1 /// mock of the step feed back
var xStepAnswer = 6/// mock of the step feed back


var correctAnswers = {vAnswer:[1, 3, 5],wAnswer:[1,3,5],xAnswer:[ 1,3,5] } //-- all correct answers

will give you

The note you entered above ‘D’ is incorrect. The other notes are all correct. Try again!

and for
var vStepAnswer = 1 /// mock of the step feed back
var wStepAnswer = 2 /// mock of the step feed back
var xStepAnswer = 6/// mock of the step feed bac

The notes you entered above ‘F’ , ‘D’ , are wrong, The other notes are all correct. Try again!

Is that not what you describe?

Hi @MarkHunte Sorry for the confusion.

So a user could enter
var vStepAnswer = 1 /// mock of the step feed back
var wStepAnswer = 1 /// mock of the step feed back
var xStepAnswer = 1/// mock of the step feed back

… and currently the result would be: “Great job! You have entered all of the correct notes.” These answers are all possible correct answers. However, for the solution to be deemed correct the user must enter all 3 of the correct answers without repeating any. Like this:

var vStepAnswer = 1 /// mock of the step feed back
var wStepAnswer = 3 /// mock of the step feed back
var xStepAnswer = 5/// mock of the step feed back

It does not matter which answer holds the 1, 3 or 5 but they must all be entered.

So you mean that they must enter all 3 numbers for each answer rather than just get 1 number for each answer correct.


They need to enter 1,6 and 2 for the single correct answer [1,6 ,2] if they enter 1,6,4 then the answer is wrong.

If this is right I will assume you already have code to put the feedback into an array for each answer.
i.e feed back =
var vStepAnswer = [2 , 4, 0] /// mock of the step feed back

Not exactly. There are three different correct answers to be placed in 3 different places. It does not matter in which place they put a correct answer but they must include all 3 different correct answers and not repeat any of them.

Yes, I have put the feedback into an array for each answer, for example
var vStepAnswer = [1,3,5]

and there are 3 variables like:
var vStepAnswer = [1,3,5]
var wStepAnswer = [1,3,5]
var xStepAnswer = [1,3,5]

does the order of numbers in the answer matter.

i.e must it be [1,3,5] or could it be [5,1,3]

0I am hope it does then I would look at just concatenating the numbers into a single answer..

i.e [1,3,5] goes concatenated to 135, which would be easier to compare.

Like this.

 var vStepAnswer = [2 , 4, 0].join("")   /// mock of the step feed back
    	var wStepAnswer = [3,5 ,1].join("")  /// mock of the step feed back
    	var xStepAnswer = [ 1,3,6].join("") /// mock of the step feed back
    	var stepKeysAnswers  = [['vAnswer',vStepAnswer,"E"],['wAnswer',wStepAnswer,"F"],['xAnswer',xStepAnswer,"D"]]// we put the feed back answers in arrays with the correct answer key name.
       var  correctAnswers = {vAnswer:["240"],wAnswer:["351"],xAnswer:[ "136"] } //-- all correct answers

Unfortunately the order does not matter. And it is integral that the answers could come in any order.

Maybe some simple sort foo…

var vStepAnswer = [2 , 4, 1].sort().join("")   /// mock of the step feed back
var wStepAnswer = [3,5 ,1].sort().join("")  /// mock of the step feed back
var xStepAnswer = [ 1,3,6].sort().join("") /// mock of the step feed back

    var stepKeysAnswers  = [['vAnswer',vStepAnswer,"E"],['wAnswer',wStepAnswer,"F"],['xAnswer',xStepAnswer,"D"]]// we put the feed back answers in arrays with the correct answer key name.
   var  correctAnswers = {vAnswer:["124"],wAnswer:["135"],xAnswer:[ "136"] } //-- all correct answers
    var answerCheckIncorrect = []; //-- final array to hold the false results below.

Would have to play with the sort if you wanted double digits and anything past 9,
The sort (in this case ) orders the numbers by greater value.

var vStepAnswer = [2 , 4, 1].sort().join("")  
--> "124"

The ones in the correctAnswers would need to match that.
i.e 1 through 9 left to right.

Also you could have the code run on individual answer/feedback and store if correct or not for later when all answers are ready to be displayed

1 Like

This is great! I will try it. And, no double digits needed. Answers are 0 thru 6.

Thank you!

Thanks @MarkHunte I’m not able to get this to work and I think it might be because I’m placing the .sort().join in the wrong place or not doing the correct things with it.

My original code was this:

	window.scoreView.getScore().done(function(scoreData) {

	var vStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[0].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step;
	var wStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[1].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step;
	var xStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[2].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step;


	var stepKeysAnswers  = [['vAnswer',vStepAnswer,"Clarinet"],['wAnswer',wStepAnswer,"Trumpet"],['xAnswer',xStepAnswer,"Violin"]]// we put the feed back answers in arrays with the correct answer key name.
   var  correctAnswers = {vAnswer:[1,3,5],wAnswer:[1,3,5],xAnswer:[1,3,5] } //-- all correct answers
    var answerCheckIncorrect = []; //-- final array to hold the false results below.
for (i = 0; i < stepKeysAnswers.length; i++) { 
//-- we iterate over each setp answer array and work through each answer using the key and feed back answer for that key

 var thisIsCorrect =   correctAnswers[stepKeysAnswers[i][0]].includes(stepKeysAnswers[i][1]) //- i.e correctAnswers[wAnswer].includes(4)
 // push the true or false result to the answerCheck array.
 if (!thisIsCorrect){

   //-- All Correct
if (answerCheckIncorrect.length == 0 ){   
	 hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").innerHTML = "Great job! You have entered the notes D, F and A. These are the notes of D minor which is the ii chord.";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.color = "#008F00";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.borderLeft =  "6px solid green";  
         hypeDocument.getElementById("check4").innerHTML = "Play Again!";
        window.scoreView.addEventListener('playbackStop', function(event) {
   //-- One wrong
   if (answerCheckIncorrect.length == 1 ){   
	 hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").innerHTML = "The note in the  " + answerCheckIncorrect[0][2] + " is incorrect. The other notes are all correct. Try again!";
 hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.color = "red";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.borderLeft =  "6px solid red";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("check4").innerHTML = "Check Again!"; 
    	//-- All wrong
 	if (answerCheckIncorrect.length == stepKeysAnswers.length ){
 	    hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").innerHTML = "Try again! All of the notes you've entered are incorrect. ";
          hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.color = "red";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.borderLeft =  "6px solid red";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("check4").innerHTML = "Check Again!"; 

   //-- some wrong.
  var theNoticeString = "" 
for (i = 0; i < answerCheckIncorrect.length; i++) { 
 theNoticeString +=  " " + answerCheckIncorrect[i][2] + ", " ;

theNoticeString = "The notes you've entered in the  "  +     theNoticeString  + " are wrong. The other note is correct. Try again!";  

 hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").innerHTML = theNoticeString;
          hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.color = "red";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("feedback6").style.borderLeft =  "6px solid red";
         hypeDocument.getElementById("check4").innerHTML = "Check Again!"; 

I’ve tried to incorporate your suggestion as in below but it does not return any results.

  var vStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[0].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step.join("");
	var wStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[1].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step.join("");
	var xStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[2].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step.join("");

	var stepKeysAnswers  = [['vAnswer',vStepAnswer,"E"],['wAnswer',wStepAnswer,"F"],['xAnswer',xStepAnswer,"D"]]// we put the feed back answers in arrays with the correct answer key name.

   var  correctAnswers = {vAnswer:["135"],wAnswer:["135"],xAnswer:[ "135"] } //-- all correct answers

Yep, That completely wrong :confused:

From the looks of it each feed back i.e,

var vStepAnswer = scoreData.staves[0].measures[0].noteSets[0].notes[0].step
--> 6

will only return a single digit not an array. So you cannot sort it nor join its objects because it is a single item.

So I am a little confused as to what you are trying to do here.

I can guess again but I think it would help if you posted the results you are actually getting back and then how you need to put them together.