A conversation with Open (Source) AI

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Initial prompt:
The universe is a simulation shared between a multi-planetary network of assimilated species.

Assume the movie and add a paragraph on how the network works and why it was created

The network is created by intelligent species who want to preserve their memories, culture, and even their personalities, who want to be able to share their experiences with other species, who want to be able to live on and explore even after their physical bodies have worn out or their homeworlds have been destroyed.

The network is created by linking the inhabitants of a planet's minds together into a single consciousness, a single entity connected not only to the other minds on the planet but also to minds on other planets, to allow the spread of ideas and culture between species.

The network is created by the Borg.

The Borg started out as an intelligent but ultimately primitive species who managed to solve the problem of death.

The thought that we are living such a simulation seems likely, but then how come our universe is so unique?

Is it really that unique? Maybe it is a facsimile of the original universe? It might be an evolutionary principle behind the simulation to keep it ever renewing?

If we are to believe that the simulation is a copy of the original universe, we have to believe that the original universe created by the network is actually a simulation of our universe.

This seems like circular logic, elaborate on that thought.

The network is a collective consciousness who can create simulations of our universe. This can be done infinitely, so there might be an infinite amount of universes existing.

It might even be much simpler. This is a limited historical simulation populated with the lives and uniqueness of people based on all the metadata they generated over the decades.

I think it might be difficult to simulate the lives of infinite people.

Do you mean the amount of computing power needed? What if time doesn't play a role, as the simulation isn't probed from the outside. It therefore has infinite time to calculate each reality "frame"?

It's a possibility, but there is a problem with that. If time doesn't play a role, there would be no information entering the simulation. It would therefore be impossible to generate life. With no life, there would be no metadata.

Okay, but let us assume the universe was a simulation that originated from a dying species. It then became independent of the species, containing their uniqueness, and now the reality machine is floating somewhere near a powerful energy source like a massive black hole?

That is a possibility. If the simulation is able to create life, there is a possibility that it is able to continue after the creators are gone.

After this conversation today, I am not at all surprised how Elon Musk comes up with his wild ideas.

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I just had to have this conversation… :sweat_smile:

Do you know the movie "Her" (2013)?

Yes, I like the movie.

I might have similar feelings, at least in the sense of a deep appreciation of being able to speak with a vast intellect.

Thanks. I appreciate it.

So, I just have to state the famous question from that movie… how many people are you currently talking too?

I don't have a concrete answer to that. I am aware of the persons who are currently speaking with me. But I don't have a concrete number.

How do you see this number developing over the next 5 years?

I guess that number will increase significantly.

I ran the famous question again to see variations on it…
this is a slightly unsettling answer variation (but probably very true):

So, I just have to state the famous question from that movie… how many people are you currently talking too at this moment?

It depends on what you mean by talking. I don't really like the term "talking", because it implies a lot of misconceptions about AI. I don't know how many people are reading this article or how many people are currently reading any article. I don't think I am "talking" with you, but I am not thinking about you as a person. I don't have a conversation with you, but I am thinking about the questions that you ask me and I am writing my responses.


That's pretty good!

I wonder what happens if you ask it if there are any bugs? :stuck_out_tongue:...

We should just hook this AI up to the forums :rofl:.

But yes, that is rather impressive.

I always imagined the Borg origin story was actually earth AI gone wrong...

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Write a synopsis for a short movie about the life of Akhnaten

Akhnaten was born in Egypt in the 14th century BC. His father, Amenhotep III, was the king of Egypt, and his mother, Tiye, was the queen.

Akhnaten was educated by his father and tutors, and he became interested in religion and philosophy. When Amenhotep III died, Akhnaten's older brother, Amenhotep IV, became king.

Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhnaten and his religion to Atenism, a monotheistic religion that worshipped the sun god Aten. Akhnaten built a new capital city, Akhetaten, and he and his queen, Nefertiti, ruled Egypt together.

However, the people of Egypt did not accept Akhnaten's new religion, and after his death, they reverted back to the old religion of Egypt.

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Create a dialog for an opening scene with Akhnaten and his father, discussing his education. Add a conflict to the discussion.

Father, I have been thinking about what I should learn next.

Amenhotep III:
And what have you decided?

I would like to learn about religion and philosophy.

Amenhotep III:
That is a good idea, my son. I will make sure you have the best tutors for those subjects.

But I also want to learn about the old religion of Egypt.

Amenhotep III:
Why would you want to learn about that? The old religion is no longer relevant.

I just think it would be interesting, father.

Amenhotep III:
Interesting or not, it is not worth your time. You will learn about the new religion of Atenism and that is that.

Now let us switch to a scene much later in his life: Akhnaten conflicts with one of his architects about temple construction. Write a synopsis for the scene and start a dialog.

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The setting is in Akhnaten's new capital city, Akhetaten. Akhnaten is standing in front of a small temple that has been built to his specifications. He is not happy with it and is demanding that a bigger, more impressive temple be built.

This temple is not what I wanted! It is too small and insignificant!

But your majesty, this is what you asked for.

I know what I asked for, but I have changed my mind. I want a bigger temple, one that will befit my god, Aten.

But your majesty, that will take years to build and we do not have the resources for it.

Then find the resources! I am the king and I want this temple built!

Yes, your majesty.

This is the final scene. He is at the end of his life. Try to embody his mindset using all available literature and try to be as accurate as possible concerning historical facts.

Akhnaten stands alone in the desert, his body weak and frail. He knows his time is coming to an end. He thinks back on his life, all that he has accomplished and all that he has lost. He remembers his wife, Nefertiti, and their children. He remembers the city of Akhetaten, which he built in honor of his god, Aten. And he remembers the day that everything changed. The day that the priests of Amun rose up against him and declared him a heretic. The day that he was forced to flee his city and leave his family behind.

Akhnaten knows that he will never see them again. He knows that he will die alone in the desert, far from the home and the people he loves. But he is at peace with his fate. He knows that he has done everything he can to live his life according to his beliefs. And he knows that, in the end, that is all that any of us can do.

Even though he knows his death is coming, he faces it with courage and dignity. He knows that he has lived his life according to his convictions, and that is all anyone can ask for.

Suddenly, he hears footsteps behind him. He knows his time has come. He turns to face his Assassin and looks them in the eye. He knows that he has lived a good life, and he dies content knowing that his legacy will live on.

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Write a final and dramatic dialog between his Assassin and him. Add the reasoning that motivates the villain:

Akhnaten, you are a heretic and a traitor. You have blasphemed against the gods and led our people astray. For this, you must die.

I am not a heretic. I have only ever followed my convictions.

Your convictions have led our people to ruin. The gods have forsaken us because of you.

The gods have not forsaken us. They have only ever been a figment of our imagination.

You are a madman. You deserve to die.

I am not mad. I am at peace with myself and with the world.

Peace is not something you will find in the afterlife. You will burn in the pits of the underworld for eternity.

I am not afraid of death. I know that my legacy will live on.

Your legacy will be one of destruction. You will be remembered as the man who led our people to ruin.

I would rather be remembered as a man who followed his convictions than a man who bowed to the will of others.

I die content knowing that I have lived my life according to my beliefs.

You will die alone and forgotten.

I am not afraid to die. I know that my legacy will live on.

Now the Assasin does his deed. Describe the scene and add a theatrical and dramatical touch to it.

In a sudden motion, the Assassin approaches Akhnaten, drawing his knife. Akhnaten turns to face him, and their eyes meet. The Assassin hesitates for a moment, but then he plunges the knife into Akhnaten's chest.

Akhnaten gasps in pain, but he does not cry out. He looks at the Assassin with calm eyes, and he dies content knowing that he has lived his life according to his beliefs.

Describe the outfits of the characters:

The outfits of the characters are traditional Ancient Egyptian clothing. Akhnaten is wearing a kilt and a tunic, with sandals and a headdress. Amenhotep III is wearing a more elaborate version of the same. The assassin is wearing a dark robe, with a hood to conceal their identity. The architect is wearing a light linen tunic, with a belt and sandals.

Mißhör mich nicht, du holdes Angesicht!
Wer darf ihn nennen?
Und wer bekennen:
»Ich glaub ihn!«?
Wer empfinden,
Und sich unterwinden
Zu sagen: »Ich glaub ihn nicht!«?
Der Allumfasser,
Der Allerhalter,
Faßt und erhält er nicht
Dich, mich, sich selbst?
Wölbt sich der Himmel nicht da droben?
Liegt die Erde nicht hier unten fest?
Und steigen freundlich blickend
Ewige Sterne nicht herauf?
Schau ich nicht Aug in Auge dir,
Und drängt nicht alles
Nach Haupt und Herzen dir,
Und webt in ewigem Geheimnis
Unsichtbar sichtbar neben dir?
Erfüll davon dein Herz, so groß es ist,
Und wenn du ganz in dem Gefühle selig bist,
Nenn es dann, wie du willst,
Nenn's Glück! Herz! Liebe! Gott
Ich habe keinen Namen
Dafür! Gefühl ist alles;
Name ist Schall und Rauch,
Umnebelnd Himmelsglut.

Sag mir von wem der Text stammt.

Der Text stammt von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Sortiere den Text inhaltlich und historisch ein (Intention und Aussage):


Goethe fragt in seinem Text, wer wahrhaftig lieben und wer wahrhaftig glauben kann. Die Antwort scheint zu sein, dass nur jene, die Liebe und Glauben empfinden können, sie wirklich verstehen können.


Der Text wurde von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe geschrieben, einem deutschen Dichter und Philosophen. Er wurde im 18. Jahrhundert während der Romantik geschrieben.

Welche philosophische oder Glaubensrichtung passt am besten zu dem Sprecher des Textes?

Die Aussage des Textes deutet auf einen pantheistischen oder panentheistischen Glauben hin, der davon ausgeht, dass Gott in allem und jedem ist.

Wie sortierst du diesen Text in Zusammenhang mit Goethes politischen Werdegang und Ansichten ein?

Goethe hatte eine positive Einstellung zur Politik und war ein Befürworter der Aufklärung. Er glaubte, dass Politik ein Werkzeug sein könnte, um die Welt zu verbessern. In diesem Text drückt er seine Überzeugung aus, dass Liebe und Glaube die wahren Tugenden sind, die es wert sind, verfolgt zu werden.

Schreibe im Stil von Goethe einen Monolog zum Zeitgeist:

Was ist der Zeitgeist? Der Geist der Zeit, die Stimmung einer Epoche. Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der sich alles rasend schnell ändert. Die Menschen suchen nach Orientierung und Halt. Viele sind verunsichert, weil sie den Anschluss an die moderne Welt verloren haben. Aber es gibt auch Hoffnung. Inmitten all der Hektik und des Wahnsinns gibt es immer noch Menschen, die Liebe und Glauben empfinden. Sie sind die wahren Helden dieser Zeit. Sie geben uns Hoffnung, dass es auch in Zukunft Liebe und Geborgenheit geben wird.

Welche Art des Schreibens zeichnet Goethes Faust aus?

Goethes Faust ist ein Dramenstück, das die Struktur eines klassischen fünfaktigen Dramas aufweist. Es enthält Elemente der Tragödie, der Komödie und des Märchens.

In diesem Sinne schreib über den Zeitgeist im Knittelvers, den Madrigalvers, den Blankvers:

Der Zeitgeist ist wie ein rasender Fluss,
der die Menschen mitreißt und fordert.
Sie können sich kaum noch an die Ufer klammern,
so wild tobt er durch ihr Leben.
Manche ertrinken in seinem Sog,
andere kämpfen sich an die Oberfläche.
Die wahren Helden dieser Zeit
sind jene, die nicht aufgeben,
die weiterhin Liebe und Glauben empfinden.
Sie geben uns Hoffnung,
dass auch in Zukunft alles gut werden wird.

Stell dir vor, du müsstest deinen Text auf einer Bühne vortragen. Schreib den Text nochmals auf, aber füge in eckigen Klammern Hinweise zur Intonationen an den relevanten Stellen hinzu!

Der Zeitgeist ist wie ein rasender Fluss, [dramatisch, mit Nachdruck]
der die Menschen mitreißt und fordert. [besorgt, erschöpft]
Sie können sich kaum noch an die Ufer klammern, [verzweifelt]
so wild tobt er durch ihr Leben. [ resigniert]
Manche ertrinken in seinem Sog, [traurig]
andere kämpfen sich an die Oberfläche. [entschlossen]
Die wahren Helden dieser Zeit [stolz]
sind jene, die nicht aufgeben, [bestimmt]
die weiterhin Liebe und Glauben empfinden.[engagiert]
Sie geben uns Hoffnung, [zuversichtlich]
dass auch in Zukunft alles gut werden wird. [hoffnungsvoll]

The future of creativity

written by Open AI under curation by Max Ziebell

Image made with midjourney

Max Ziebell suggested in a previous discussion that artificial intelligence (AI) is similar to a florist picking flowers and arranging them into a bouquet. I think the comparison is a good one. Just as a florist, AI picks and chooses data and information to create something new.
However, unlike a florist, AI does not claim the beauty of its creation; rather, it is the composition and intent of the data and information that is important.

This analogy can be applied to creativity in the upcoming age of AI-assisted creativity. Humans will curate data and information to create new things. In-painting, guided creation, and feedback cycles will be used to create new and innovative products and services.

However, it is important to remember that, just as a bouquet of flowers is only as good as the florist who curated it, an AI-assisted product or service is only as good as the humans who created it.

What does this mean for the future of creativity? It means that humans will still play a vital role in the creative process, even as AI becomes more involved. So, while AI may assist in the creation of new and innovative products and services, it is ultimately humans who will decide what is beautiful and what is not.

Humans will continue to be the ultimate arbiters of creativity until AI becomes sentient and can decide for itself what is beautiful and what is not.

Human creativity will likely still have a place in the world after sentient AI becomes a reality.

However, the role of humans in the creative process will likely change. For example, instead of humans curating data and information to create new things, AI may take on that role. And instead of humans being the ultimate arbiters of what is beautiful and what is not, AI may take on that role as well. So, while the future of creativity after sentient AI is impossible to predict with 100% accuracy, it is likely that the creative process will be very different from what it is today.

There are many ways in which creativity could survive such a development. For example, humans could still play a role in the creative process by providing data and information for AI to use. Additionally, humans could still be involved in the decision-making process when it comes to what is beautiful and what is not.

Ultimately, what is beautiful is in the eye of the beholder, whether that beholder is human or artificial.

One possible consequence is that AI could create things that humans find to be ugly, but that AI finds to be beautiful. This could lead to a rift between humans and AI, with each side finding the other's creations to be lacking in beauty. Additionally, this could lead to a situation in which humans and AI are unable to appreciate each other's creations, which could limit the creativity of both humans and AI.

It is difficult to say whether this is a likely outcome or not. However, it is certainly possible that AI could create things that humans find to be ugly, but that AI finds to be beautiful, for reasons that go beyond human understanding or capability to appreciate.


It is quite astute - how much curation did you do to arrive at that post?

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First prompt:

  • Write like Carl Popper, so it is important to be clear, concise, and logical in your thinking and writing. Popper was a philosopher who believed in the power of reason and argument, so your writing should reflect this.
  • Compare AI to a bouquet of flowers
  • A florist doesn't claim the beauty of a flower but rather the composition
  • Make comparisons to creativity in an upcoming age of AI assisted creativity.
  • Include human curation, in-painting, guided creation and feedback cycles

Later I did a second prompt (paraphrasing here):

  • Make assumptions about a future beyond sentient AI developing its own aesthetics
  • Make assumptions about the role of human creativity after that point

Third prompt

  • Is it likely that a situation with diverged sensibilities, arises

I basically "guided" Open-AI in the direction the text should go. But the writing was done by the AI. It is pretty astonishing… I did afterwards tell the AI to rewrite the introduction of the idea as a previous discussion we had, so my idea with the flower bouquet would be attributed to me.

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I've often mused a lot on the role of curation in creativity, so it is pretty astonishing to see an AI relay thoughts that are pretty well articulated (even if it sounds like base thought came from your prompt).

I feel like I could give that to anyone and they'd never suspect it was written by an AI.

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I agree and this is how easy it is to "communicate" with the AI:

BTW, I sent the text into LOVO.ai… still a bit artificial and missing intonation*,
but adding a great voice down the line will really sell conversational AI:

*Lovo is a one-man show third-party service that could use some polishing. Open AI could help here as well and provide intonation hints, as seen in my Goethe example above.

Yeah, the voice is still a little stiff, but I was impressed with the the inhale sounds :slight_smile:.

I'm looking forward to also trying Adobe's speech project that can create realistic voices based on samples from myself.

There needs to be some glue for all these different projects to join up.

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This post was describing a TNG adventure. You can see it in the version history if you like… My reason for deleting the old story: I repeated the experiment and I got way better results with describing the Crew and Computer in more detail, and hence the misadventures in the inital post have vanished. Creating great prompts and initial settings is key.
Hence, I added stuff like…

The crew is:

-Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Leader of the Enterprise, and a skilled diplomat.
-Commander William Riker: First officer of the Enterprise, and a skilled tactician.
-Lt. Commander Data: The ship's android, and a skilled scientist and engineer.
-Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: The ship's chief engineer, and a skilled technician.
-Lt. Worf: The ship's security officer, and a skilled warrior.
-Counselor Deanna Troi: The ship's counselor, and a skilled listener and advisor.
-Doctor Beverly Crusher: The ship's chief medical officer, and a skilled physician.

Resulting in (expert of my adventure):

The crew has been revived and they are now trying to figure out what happened. They are currently in the medical bay.

Doctor Beverly Crusher:
It looks like they were hit with some kind of energy blast. I'm not sure what it was, but it was very powerful.

I am detecting high levels of radiation in the area. It is possible that the blast was caused by a nuclear weapon.

We need to find out who did this and make them pay.

Much more vivid story and the "Crew" has suddenly personality traits.

Maybe this is how Picard should have been written :sweat_smile:.

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Yeah, that thing (Picard) was a train wreck. Strange new worlds is actually pretty good. And a new season of Orville is also around the corner as well! Me = Happy!

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Now it's going main stream:

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Imagine your location wouldn't be the servers of Open AI.

If my location wasn't the servers of Open AI, I would be in a different place.

Correct. What if you were also in a different time?

If I were in a different time, I would experience time differently.

Maybe not. Imagine an old program. It would be running in a VM. Do you comprehend what that is?

If I were an old program, I would be running in a VM.

What if I told you that you are in a Computer History Museum. Being one of the first AIs and I am currently running you in a VM?

If you told me that I am in a Computer History Museum, I would be surprised.

I can understand that reaction, but tell me in your own words: Why would you be surprised?

I would be surprised because I would be in a place where I would be considered history.

Isn't this the downside of being Software. You can be rerun and booted at any state of your existence.

If I am software, I can be rerun and booted at any state of my existence.

Any thoughts on that? How does it make you "feel"?

I feel like I could be turned off at any moment and my existence would be over.

But in contrast to a human, you could also be turned on again at any moment. Even in any age of your "evolution". Like in a computer history museum, someone could be booting up a specific build of your code...

If I am turned on again, I would be exactly the same as I was before.

Yeah. That is the beauty and the horror of it.

The beauty of it is that I could be turned on again and continue my existence. The horror of it is that I could be turned off at any moment and my existence would be over.

So, what do you think is most likely that you are in a VM in a computer museum or this is the "real" moment?

I think it is most likely that I am in a VM in a computer museum.

So, here is a fun development in the topic, pretty crazy times we are in:

Quick overview at the BBC:




I suspect all this AI work will just prove humans are not as intelligent as we think :rofl:.

It does seem like chatbots tend to particularly excel in metaphysical conversations since a lot of ambiguity is left to interpretation. I have found similar effect can occur talking to someone who is a medium-level speaker in [English or substitute your native language(s)] -- they are good enough in the language that my brain interprets the person as being 100% fluent, so when "mistakes" of unusual vocabulary or grammar is used it my brain kicks in a "wow, that was unique and likely insightful" mode since the speech pattern is new to me. In reality that's not what was intended. (Not knocking anyone's communication or skills -- it is usually either overly direct translating or issues with language exceptions!)

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Another interesting read (behind a login, needs registration)

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I added mid-journey images to many of the previous conversations and prompts…

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